Iwata Comments on Weak 3DS Sales in the West

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.07.2012 4

Iwata Comments on Weak 3DS Sales in the West on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata recently discussed the 3DS sales situation outside Japan as lacking momentum at the moment.

Speaking to investors, the man behind the company praised efforts in homeland Japan, with the console going from strength to strength - averaging around 83,000 sales per week at the beginning of the year - creating a steady stream of new adopters.

The situation is a little bit more dire in the West however, with the 3DS "currently weak", when it should be at least on par, if not higher than Japan given the relative population size of each region.

The sales proportion of the Nintendo 3DS is now about 20 per cent of the total video game sales in those markets. Thus, solid sales momentum has not been created.

With a positive reception towards the upcoming 3DS XL and a handful of essential titles, including New Super Mario Bros 2, sales are expected to kick in as we enter the second half of the year.

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Gio (guest) 04.07.2012#1

Wish I was a Millionaire. That way I can buy a good portion of 3ds so more third party developers would make games already

NA Sales Predictions
New Super Mario Bros 2 - 2.0M(eclipses SM3DLand as best selling 3DS title)
Paper Mario: Sticker Star - 800k
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon - 500k

Plus all the third party stuff. Castlevaina, Kingdom Hearts, Theatrhythm(c'mon, it has Final Fantasy in the title).

I'm not fanboying here, I just think this system's weak sales over here are very, very temporary.

Well GEE Nintendo when you make games that us HARDCORE gamers want but don't share like Xenoblade, The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, Fatal Frame 2 & 4 yet either DON'T share or take your sweet time bringing them over it's NO WONDER it hasn't met your expectations!!!!

The "casual gamer" is NEVER a trustworthy source of income, they can lose intrest & you risk wasting all the effort you've made. The Hardcore game is the only guarantee because we will ALWAYS love video games.....so give us what we want or else crap like this is bound to happen.!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Wish I was a Millionaire. That way I can buy a good portion of 3ds so more third party developers would make games already

Nintendo apparantly has more than a couple of million. But it seems they have different ideas on how to use that. Well we'll see where their decisions lead them this time. I think I read somewhere they learned from the mistakes with the N64 a decade or so back, so that's wonderful news.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far apart...you're always in my heart. Love u!

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