ZombiU a Reboot of 1986 PC Game

By Pip 21.06.2012 6

ZombiU a Reboot of 1986 PC Game on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ubisoft's zombie shooter ZombiU for the Wii U, which was unveiled at E3 two weeks ago, has been revealed to be a reboot of the company's very first title Zombi originally published in 1986. In both games players control a gang of survivors trying to avoid being eaten by zombies; if a player is eaten they can reappear as one of the undead. However these appear to be the only similarities between the titles.

The 1986 original was based entirely in a shopping mall (as a tribute to George A. Romero's film Dawn of the Dead) and players had to make their way through individual rooms to progress through the game. In ZombiU players must endure the streets of London shooting zombies whilst rummaging through a backpack for the appropriate zombie killing gear.

Zombi enjoyed success in its time with many positive reviews and ZombiU looks like it is set to do just as well. Do you enjoy a good old fashioned zombie shooter?

Box art for ZombiU








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Cool I didn't know that...probably because the original came out during the year of my birth XP

Well that's nice to know, the name seems less dumb now but with it rumored to go multi plat I can only wonder & be envious of what it'll be called on other consoles...T_T I sure hope this stays a U exclusive though, Nintendo needs more of these so biased Nintendo haters will have more reasons to own a Nintendo system instead of sitting back on their laurels waiting for the "EVENTUAL" release on their system.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Myx (guest) 21.06.2012#2

nice. i played the original zombi back in the day. i even thought of that title when i first read about an upcoming game called "zombiU".. i guess the time when developpers actually developped new stuff is gone. but the times never were more colorful ;-Smilie

The name makes sense, but it still sounds silly (almost as bad as WiiU). They could do a minor edit to the U to change it into an "i" so the name would be Zombii where the "ii" stands for a 2.

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Zombi is also an alternative name for Dawn of the Dead, internationally, so it makes sense that the original game was named that way, since Ubisoft is a French developer at root (and Dawn of the dead is known in France as "Zombie").

Zombi for Wii U => ZombiU. True, it's silly. I agree on PMD's idea.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

There's a zombie film called "Zombi" also.

Our member of the week

Linkyshinks said:
There's a zombie film called "Zombi" also.

There a whole series of Italian spinoffs to George A Romero's work, called Zombi Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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