Nintendo Releases Two Culdcept 3DS Clips

By Pip 17.06.2012 2

Nintendo Releases Two Culdcept 3DS Clips on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have released two clips, a trailer and a commercial, for upcoming title Culdcept for the 3DS. The turn-based strategy game has already enjoyed success on a number of other gaming platforms but is now set to become available on the 3DS although there is not yet a confirmed release date. Players take on the role of a wizard type character and must acquire magic cards to use on different game boards.

Players may recognise some songs and boards as the 3DS title will be based on the previous games. However, the 3DS version will feature new cards amounting to over 480 cards altogether.

Take a look at the clips here:



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Monkey D Super (guest) 18.06.2012#1

That woman has become quite popular in Japan. Smilie

I hate it when I see cute anime characters advertising a game then when I look at said game it looks like ass.

Hate it. :I

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