Take Two Sceptical About Wii U

By Pip 16.06.2012 22

Take Two Sceptical About Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Take Two Interactive Software have expressed scepticism over the new Wii U and have remained undecided about bringing their bigger core franchises to the new platform. Despite this, the company have talked about their plans to create new titles of a sports and family nature for the console.

Whilst some fans have expressed an interest in popular games (including Bully and the Grand Theft Auto series) for the new platform, the Take Two chairman and CEO Strauss Zelnick has refrained from commenting too much on the notable absence of these from the list of partners for the Wii U.

Instead he comments:

We haven't announced anything. I'm sceptical.

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That's hilarious! Smilie Quote of the year, by far.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Typical (cool) american responce, same thing goes for idsoftware. I hate how these shovaniatic football jock pigs share my country...

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
DarkNut (guest) 16.06.2012#3

He's a loser imo. 'Were not going to put our core titles on it.. were gonna bring showelware to wii u..' why are yu skeptical? You're the problem. Developers are the ones making games and if they wont release games for wii u only THEN does the wii u start to have problems with the gamerz.. because of lack of support from moronz like this guy.

Glad I'm not the only one who realizes this fact, also Epic have been douchebags to Nintendo as well though I don't know if they've denied support of Wii U like they did with Wii.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

DarkNut (guest) said:
why are yu skeptical? You're the problem.

Post of the year. Wish someone would staple this to this guy's forehead. Might hit up the Epic Games office with it too.

Vorash Kadan said:
Glad I'm not the only one who realizes this fact, also Epic have been douchebags to Nintendo as well though I don't know if they've denied support of Wii U like they did with Wii.

Last I checked they were still saying the Wii U couldn't handle Unreal Engine (lol) before they or anyone else even had a dev kit and that the system specs Nintendo didn't give them were awful.

( Edited 17.06.2012 00:55 by Azuardo )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

Last I checked they were still saying the Wii U couldn't handle Unreal Engine (lol) before they or anyone else even had a dev kit and that the system specs Nintendo didn't give them were awful.

They jelly.

Vorash Kadan said:
Glad I'm not the only one who realizes this fact, also Epic have been douchebags to Nintendo as well though I don't know if they've denied support of Wii U like they did with Wii.

justonesp00lturn said:
Last I checked they were still saying the Wii U couldn't handle Unreal Engine (lol) before they or anyone else even had a dev kit and that the system specs Nintendo didn't give them were awful.

The specs don't entirely matter to Epic. If Sony or Microsoft came out with a console that couldn't handle Unreal, Epic would probably change stuff to make it work their console. On the other hand, if Nintendo came out with the most powerful console ever Epic would probably find some excuse as to why it couldn't work.

How are these guys running a business? Does it honestly cost more to port a game like Bioshock than it does to make some shitty shovelware? Nintendo are giving you the choice of a Pro Controller layout too, you don't even need to use the touchscreen! Smilie

Phoenixus said:
How are these guys running a business? Does it honestly cost more to port a game like Bioshock than it does to make some shitty shovelware? Nintendo are giving you the choice of a Pro Controller layout too, you don't even need to use the touchscreen! Smilie

Exactly. Some of the best Wii games have 0 motion control (Xenoblade, Smash Bros Brawl).

I'm sceptical too.
Not sure there's anything wrong with that.

Then again, I dont think Microsoft or Sony are likely to do better. I think everyone will sale less next round.

( Edited 17.06.2012 09:46 by Darkflame )

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Entity (guest) 17.06.2012#11

Phoenixus said:
How are these guys running a business? Does it honestly cost more to port a game like Bioshock than it does to make some shitty shovelware? Nintendo are giving you the choice of a Pro Controller layout too, you don't even need to use the touchscreen! Smilie

This is what I have been saying too. Dies ir really cost MORE to port a game than to make an ENTIRE NEW game from SCRATCH? I mean developer have said it's very easy to port to the Wii U. One company said they got a game running in days (don't remember which one). IF they want to use the Upad then it's enough with inventory and perhaps a map or something or just drop all together. Now making a game from scratch needs planning, new coding, new design and new models, music etc... It MUST cost more, even if it's a mini game collection.

Jay (guest) 17.06.2012#12

And the cycle continues. 3rd parties refuse to make quality games for nintendo consoles, then whinge when only nintendo titles sell. Nintendo should just buy a few more studios and just tell certain 3rd parties to jog on

Phoenixus said:
How are these guys running a business? Does it honestly cost more to port a game like Bioshock than it does to make some shitty shovelware? Nintendo are giving you the choice of a Pro Controller layout too, you don't even need to use the touchscreen! Smilie

Its unlikely the pro controller will come with the system - that narrows it a lot as a target for developers.

Porting vs new crappy game might well cost the same too, give how crappy some of those things can be....

( Edited 17.06.2012 12:36 by Darkflame )

http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Darkflame said:

Porting vs new crappy game might well cost the same too, give how crappy some of those things can be...

Crappy, but still costs more than porting!

( Edited 17.06.2012 13:25 by Azuardo )

There are no hardcore nor casual gamers, we are all simply just GAMERS
DarkNut (guest) 17.06.2012#15

Its unlikely the pro controller will come with the system -that narrows it a lot as a target for developers.

umm the gamepad and the pro co troller have the exact same layout.. the only difference is the screen. Button mapping would essentially be exactly the same so it wouldn't be a hassle at all for lazy developers. the same contril scheme would work on the pro controller as on the gamepad.

Sonic_13 said:

The specs don't entirely matter to Epic. If Sony or Microsoft came out with a console that couldn't handle Unreal, Epic would probably change stuff to make it work their console. On the other hand, if Nintendo came out with the most powerful console ever Epic would probably find some excuse as to why it couldn't work.

I don't think that's right.
In the link above, Epic says that they don't know the specs of the Xbox 720 or PS4, but they're already showing off their demo of the newest Unreal Engine and talking about the fancy new things it can do. The guy representing Epic does say that there's some dialog between Epic and Sony and Microsoft, but that only goes so far.
From the article:

"Our demo last year was a love letter to console manufacturers. 'If you give us enough headroom, here's what we can do.' " And certainly its an impressive proposition.

So my point is, Epic are doing what they're doing and hoping the console guys will try to keep up.

( Edited 17.06.2012 19:25 by TAG )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

BUT Epic's flawed thinking is that they expect consoles to match PCs...which they NEVER WILL given the fact that PC can be upgraded several times yet a console is stuck as is. Epic just needs to sloooow down & pull back on the reigns a bit, that horsepower isn't meant for long term consoles. SOny & M$ even stated their next systems won't be much stronger than the ps360 (think GameCube to Wii conversion...ironic no?) so devs need to stop expecting so much power with each gen & offer something NEW...not just "pretty".

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I am sceptical too!! For the first time in my 32 years playing Nintendo creations I am really worried the WiiU just isnt going to get the support it needs and I am still not convinced it has the grunt to run the next gen games that will be created as well from big companies like this...I dont know if I can handle watered down versions of the big 3rd party games again like we did on the Wii. I hope I am so wrong though SmilieSmilie

When in doubt....Whip it out!
steelmullet (guest) 18.06.2012#19

It's weird though, now Nintendo has a console strong enough to handle ports of every console game being made. Even if other third parties make games with XBOX or PS3 in mind how can it hurt to quickly port it to WII U too? Actually, that's really stupid, like making apps or games for only Android phones an not for Apple. Who needs extra money, right? Like I said, weird...

It wouldnt be so hard for these companies to port their games over I am guessing, it is just a pain in their cakehole that they need to try to work some way for the game to make use of the gamepad controller. I can see that they will not be bothered most the time in the future yet again and Nintendo will get rank as ports just like we got with the WiiSmilie I am very nervous that this will be the case and hope I am wrong!Smilie

When in doubt....Whip it out!

Well Nintendo said they aren't forcing devs to use the second screen so that's not a factor. And again as I said before NUUUUUUMEROUS TIMES, if a game isn't "pretty" enough to be fun to someone then that person is just too shallow to properly enjoy video games anyways.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

SOny & M$ even stated their next systems won't be much stronger than the ps360

Wait, what? Source?

Does it honestly cost more to port a game like Bioshock than it does to make some shitty shovelware?

It might be comparable, but they clearly think they have the opportunity to sell more with the shovelware. I think sometimes we make the mistake of thinking that just because it will make some profit that a dev should automatically do it.

The reality is, each development house only has so many teams. They have to maximize their time for the most profit. If they think it's more profitable (even just marginally so) to churn out cheap family-style sports game, that's what they're going to do.

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