Can Retro Studios Work on a Zelda Game? Miyamoto Comments

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.06.2012 11

Can Retro Studios Work on a Zelda Game? Miyamoto Comments on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The father of all things Zelda was recently quizzed as to whether Retro Studios could work on a new entry in the Legend of Zelda series.

The team where behind the successful Wii reboot of the Donkey Kong Country franchise last year, and Metroid Prime titles previously, leading fans to ponder whether Retro could help Nintendo produce a new game in the long-running adventure franchise.

Shigeru Miyamoto confirmed to IGN that the whilst Retro could certainly "work on an entire Zelda game amongst themselves", it would require a fair bit of collaboration between the studio and the Zelda team back in homeland Japan.

Both development houses are beavering away at their own projects, to the possibility fot a Retro-developed Legend of Zelda title will have to remain a prospect for the future.

If you were going to have that happen in the US at Retro, that would be kind of difficult for them to be able to coordinate. Certainly they're too busy for that sort of thing right now. It would probably require me to be involved to a great extent as well, so I would have to get over quite a bit too. I'd probably have to live in Texas...

For now you'll have to dream about just what Retro is working on, with an reveal a fair while away.

Do you think Nintendo should hand over, or collaborate closely with a studio like Retro to produce a new Legend of Zelda game, akin to Capcom's efforts with Minish Cap?

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What I want Nintendo to do is abandon crap projects like Nintendo Land and Wii Do Various Things and start making new IPs and good games like Metroid and Zelda themselves (provided they don't just re-hash the same game over and over like with N!SMB). I would, however, rather see a Retro Zelda than see a million Zelda clones and remakes and spinoffs like what they're doing with Mario.

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Giving Zelda to a team like Retro could do wonders for the series. Capcom gave what I believe are the best 2D Zeldas. Maybe one day Retro could do a 3D Zelda. At the very least a joint project.

Sounds like a good choice for a 3DS title.
I'd probably prefer Nintendo to make the Wii U title though, just because they've always done a good job on the home console versions and there's no need for a major change.

Yep, give Zelda to Retro Studios.

Do you think Nintendo should hand over, or collaborate closely with a studio like Retro to produce a new Legend of Zelda game, akin to Capcom's efforts with Minish Cap?


It baffles me how this could be a good idea. The 3D Zeldas are some of the most complex games ever made. There is so many facetts too them them and any one of them could wreck it.
Retro hasnt even done a third person game!

Let them work on their own IP, or at least something new and not such a risk. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
The 3D Zeldas are some of the most complex games ever made.

Darkflame said:
The 3D Zeldas are some of the most complex games ever made.

Darkflame said:
The 3D Zeldas are some of the most complex games ever made.


IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Yes, yes and yes! After a studio has made three fantastic Metroid games and a brilliant 2D Donkey Kong game I think stripes have been earned. I think Zelda really needs a Western shot in the arm.

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They did an excellent job with Donkey Kong. I have faith that they can do the same with Zelda. I wonder what they're currently working on? hmmm... Smilie

If you were going to have that happen in the US at Retro, that would be kind of difficult for them to be able to coordinate. Certainly they're too busy for that sort of thing right now. It would probably require me to be involved to a great extent as well, so I would have to get over quite a bit too. I'd probably have to live in Texas.

It sounds perfect. Miyamoto gets experience from living in a very different environment, which will help him develop new ideas. The hard work and skill of the people at Retro Studios shows in every game they have made so far. Different cultures, different perspectives, a new Zelda game. It will also help Miyamoto to overcome his English speech impediment.
Make it so.

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God said:
It sounds perfect. Miyamoto gets experience from living in a very different environment, which will help him develop new ideas. The hard work and skill of the people at Retro Studios shows in every game they have made so far. Different cultures, different perspectives, a new Zelda game. It will also help Miyamoto to overcome his English speech impediment.
Make it so.

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