TimeSplitters 4 May Need Donations for Development

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.06.2012 3

TimeSplitters 4 May Need Donations for Development on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Have a craving for TimeSplitters? You'll have to wait a little longer, and possibly save those pennies to help development.

A forth installment in the popular first-person shooter series has been rumoured for many moons now and is often a franchise that fans hope to eventually be resurrected. Despite being aquired by Crytek, developer Free Radical still had issues pitching Timesplitters 4 to potential publishers. There just wan't much, if not any, interest.

Speaking to CVG this week, Crytek's Cevat Yerli confirmed that the studio isn't working on a new Timesplitters game.

Yerli even revealed that there had been discussion internally to even allow fan-driven fundraising to kick the project off the ground and prove there is some interest.

The thing with TimeSplitters is, if we made a sequel to TimeSplitters, nobody would accept this apart from some fans, and we don't know how big the fan community is unfortunately.

I guess the other issue is this; the reality also is we're quite a large company, but also we have capacity limits and we don't want to hire 15 people just to do this game. Kickstarter is a concept we thought about seriously... we'll see. Time will tell.

Would you like to see a new entry in the series, and be prepared to donate towards producing the game?

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Jay (guest) 13.06.2012#1

they should pitch to nintendo, i'm not sure if crytek would want to produce an exclusive game though.

Crying shame to hear pubs don't want it. Everyone I know that's played 2 & 3 loves them. Best FPS multiplayer of all time. Easily one of the best multiplayer games I've had the pleasure of playing, anyway.

There are few games I would pay to see made, but TS4 is one of them.

Jay (guest) said:
they should pitch to nintendo, i'm not sure if crytek would want to produce an exclusive game though.

Imagine that, Nintendo want to win back the hardcore and an exclusive Timesplitters 4 would be a good edition to the pack!

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