E3 2012 | Miyamoto: Nintendo Experimenting with Future of Zelda Control

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.06.2012 16

E3 2012 | Miyamoto: Nintendo Experimenting with Future of Zelda Control on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Legend of Zelda in HD, where art thou? Series creator Shigeru Miyamoto recently revealed where Nintendo are at: it's all about control.

Speaking with the man himself last week, he commented on how the series has traditionally been a very deep experience, and how the studio want to bring the adventures of Link and Hyrule to a much bigger audience. Deep within Nintendo's own protected dungeons, Miyamoto and his talented minions are currently experimenting with what works - and are looking back at motion control.

The team are looking to "evolve it further" and explore what had been missing in Skyward Sword. One of the issues that troubled Miyamoto was how some players perhaps preferred a more conventional method, or just didn't like motion control, giving up early. So with that mind, how can Nintendo make the next Zelda game appeal to the masses?

What do you think of motion control in Zelda games? Would you prefer classic controls or enhanced/revised motion play in the next game?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





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After playing Skyward Sword, I don't know if I can ever go back to a conventional control scheme. It would be interesting to see what they could do with the Wii U GamePad though.

Pleaseee!!! Let me play Zelda with the classic controls.Its much better, or...let the player choose wich way they wanna play. Smilie

After playing Zelda with motion controls all I can say is "please go back to conventional controls"! Motion controls in Skyward Sword spoiled an otherwise good game. They were so frustrating and BROKEN. It hardly ever did the moves I wanted it to do when I was in the heat of battle with a boss. If Nintendo has to stick with motion controls on the next Zelda, at least provide an option to opt for normal joypad controls too.

( Edited 12.06.2012 12:51 by Trepe )

I just started playing Skyward Sword this week. After using MotionPlus I can't imagine going back to standard controls for Zelda game either. They worked great and were a lot of fun.

Hopefully Nintendo can allow for either option like they are doing with Pikmin 3.

Zapp (guest) 12.06.2012#5

"how the studio want to bring the adventures of Link and Hyrule to a much bigger audience."

Oh god this doesnt sound good....�_�
Just means its gonna be some crappy broken motion control mumbo jumbo....

For goodness sake Nintendo make a classic Zelda game that the fans have grown to love, not some sort of crappy generic game thats suppose to bring new fans in and alienate millions of fans that have been playing Zelda since 80s...!

I must have been playing a different game called Skyward Sword then, because the motionplus worked properly for me maybe 20% of the time.

NNID: crackedthesky
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Darkflame (guest) 12.06.2012#7

Go back? NOOOOO

People mostly demise MC because they havnt seen good examples that benefit gameplay.
Optional wont cut it - it needs to be ground up designed for it. (hell, how would have the stuff in SS worked optional?)

I want more 1:1, not less.
Lets have nice physics with the sword and other items that we can control the exact angle off.
Let me run, slam a pole into the ground and catapult myself accross a vaste gap.

Or carefull carve runes on a wall to do a spell!

The possibility's have just started!

I never had any problem with the control scheme in Skyward Sword. If Link didn't swing his sword correctly, it was always because I didn't move the Wiimote in the correct way.

123 (guest) 12.06.2012#9

where art thou actually means why not where good try

123 (guest) said:
where art thou actually means why not where good try

No. "Wherefore" means "Why."

You could have similar fight mechanics to those that were in Skyward Sword if you assigned sword movements to the right control stick. An up movement on the stick would cause an up slash, a right or left movement with the stick would cause a slash in the corresponding direction. I think it could work quite well that way, actually.

On the subject of motion controls, I wouldn't mind if they kept using them. I never had a problem with the controls in Skyward Sword. In fact, I quite enjoyed them

( Edited 13.06.2012 00:37 by Hawk )

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

No more OoT/MM/WW/TP engine. Please do something else with how link controls (AND I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT FUCKIN WAGGLING, SHAKING OR USING A FUCKIN WII FIT BOARD). Seriously, I've had enough.

I'm a big fan of Skyward Sword's controls. They aren't perfect, and far too often require re-centering. However, they're also some of the most immersive controls I've had in a video game before. I feel like I'm actually there with Skyward Sword, and that's more than can be said for any other Zelda control scheme.

Hopefully there's a way for them to fine tune things a bit more so that less constant calibration is needed. But even if they can't, I'm cool with them keeping the controls as they are.

Their bigger focus needs to be bringing the rest of the game up to modern standards. I'm tired of lifeless over worlds, speech bubbles, and stories that take a vacation during the middle 15 hours of the game.

( Edited 13.06.2012 02:15 by Jacob4000 )

i felt that the controls for Skyward Sword was a bit annoying. I had to go out and buy a motion plus wii mote because the motion plus add on was too out of sync, and even then the walking on the ropes was annoying. I just let Link climb across it by hand instead of walking on it, i was that fed up. I liked the controls for twilight princess much more.


I never had a problem with the motion controls, they always did what I wanted to do.

But I'll play a Zelda whatever the controls as long as it's good.

I don't think anyone against Motion Controls needs to be too worried. Do you really think Nintendo is going to try to convert the gamepad into a sword and have us wave that big thing around?

I know it supports Wii remotes as well, but with a flagship like Zelda, they are bound to accentuate the gamepad. Besides, they said they want to improve and make changes, so there's no way they're going to do the same thing again.

I would like to see more motion control focus put on things outside of the sword. I can't wait to use the gamepad as my camera and look around the dungeons like I'm actually trapped inside! I have no good guesses as to how they will handle sword control, but I have faith since I have never had a problem with their choices in the past. Whether it's mashing a button or being as precise as in Skyward Sword, I will be happy.

It would be very interesting (and also a proper time) for them to try a new engine/format for Zelda. They have broken away from several of the traditions with SS, so it would be interesting to see an overhaul from the ground up.

( Edited 30.07.2012 07:34 by Red XIII )

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