E3 2012 | Nintendo Explains Moderation in Miiverse, Possible Delays in Messaging

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.06.2012 8

E3 2012 | Nintendo Explains Moderation in Miiverse, Possible Delays in Messaging on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Will your Miiverse be filled with images of crude phallic images or cheeky swears? Unlikely with Nintendo's moderation.

Nintendo have always taken a strict approach to privacy and parental control, and with the Miiverse system opening the field for a more public means of communicating, there'll need to be some means of keeping the whole experience clean, and import importantly, troll free.

Speaking to HeroComplex, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata confirmed that there'll be different levels of moderation depending on the content shared. Textual updates are, of course, far easier to maintain automatically against a database of profanity and alternative ways of spelling the f-word, than the likes of images and videos.

User-created media will have to undergo a human touch before being transmitted to the masses, but it's likely that between confirmed friends it should be instant - like it is on the Wii or 3DS at the moment.

  • First level: checks and filters swears and other offensive terms.
  • Second level: Human checks - a team at Nintendo will sift through content manually.
  • Third level: Community filtering - flagging inappropriate content that Nintendo would pick up

Nintendo are also exploring how long human-filtered content would take to show on Miiverse - Iwata is suggesting around 30 minutes as an "acceptable time" - which might be tricky if you're seeking help on a game that requires a little illustrating.

What Nintendo could employ is a system where if parental control is enabled, only filtered content appears, if not then display all content regardless of if it's been filtered or not.

What do you think of Nintendo's proposed approach to censorship and moderation on MiiVerse? How would you handle the Mii onslaught?

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What Nintendo could employ is a system where if parental control is enabled, only filtered content appears, if not then display all content regardless of if it's been filtered or not.

Please, Nintendo, do not do that. Filter everything.

I doubt Nintendo would ever do that, but if they did I would enable parent controls even though I am a gamer in my twenties with no children.

Nintendo have little respect for their audience if they're seriously considering this draconian system. This will not appeal to the core gamer, they will only laugh at this nonsense. If Nintendo think 30min is acceptable, Nintendo are completely clueless.

What gamers need are accounts and basic protection, not this BS.

( Edited 08.06.2012 16:53 by Linkyshinks )

What's with the Police-State online systems? And why would I be shown the crap that people I don't know and don't care about are spouting? I just want to see what is posted by my friends, or if possible any journalists/devs that I would follow if such a twitter-esque system were in place. I don't want to see the opinions of random people, espeically if they're going to broadcast the hard part in the next level and how to get past it. Nintendo has, at the same time, both a very romanticised and also extremely condescending view of its online community.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Wow... Miiverse is turning out to be a Mii-stopia (heh). I understand that because it's seen as a "family" console that a lot of paranoid parents will back this, but when they've advertised it for asking people for help in games and stuff, they'll have finished the part they're stuck on by the time it gets put up, let alone responded to! Parental controls being turned off/on would definitely be a better way, as was said!


As was mentioned before, I think there will be a standard messaging system available for you and friends, which will be instant, much like XBL and PSN. It's too early to actually know much about the online system yet. When we get our hands on the Wii U all will be clear.

( Edited 11.06.2012 11:29 by Mush123 )

Mush123 said:
As was mentioned before, I think there will be a standard messaging system available for you and friends, which will be instant, much like XBL and PSN. It's too early to actually know much about the online system yet. When we get our hands on the Wii U all will be clear.

Ehh... Really set your hopes as low as possible. It's not called the Wii 2 in some cases just for fun. Nintendo's idea of online is an absolute joke(Wii, 3DS).

IkeFE said:
Nintendo's idea of online is an absolute joke(Wii, 3DS).

As opposed to the vulgar, anything goes online that XBL and PSN can turn into? No thanks. I take the moderated public experience anyday.

ugslick (guest) 16.06.2012#8

Kay guys. Read this article it should clarify all the falsehood implied in this artivle and give a better idea of how nintendo will do online thia time around. I'm excited everything I'm hesring is real positive so far.

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