E3 2012 Media | Iwata Talks to Mario Bros Wii U Producer

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.06.2012 7

E3 2012 Media | Iwata Talks to Mario Bros Wii U Producer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mario is coming and he's going to launch the Wii U. Classic gameplay infused with new mechanics and GamePad specific features.

Get the lowdown on New Super Mario Bros. U with Nintendo president, Satoru Iwata as he chats with the man behind the new game and past "New" Super Mario Bros. games - Takashi Tezuka. The pair ponder why Nintendo is continuing to develop 2D games and the inclusion of newer characters like the adorable "Flying Squirrel Mario".

Image for E3 2012 Media | Iwata Talks to Mario Bros Wii U Producer

Those hankering for a fully 3D Mario adventure can rest easy. Though expected, Tezuka did once again confirm that the teams at the secretive home of Mario are working and collaborating with the 2D team to create a new 3D platformer with the Wii U hardware in mind.

He also elaborates on the new "Boost Mode" - where the GamePad player can tap out helpful, or hindering, blocks on screen for the normal Wii Remote players to access - lending a helping hand or creating more difficult challenges.

Image for E3 2012 Media | Iwata Talks to Mario Bros Wii U Producer

In an interview with IGN Tezuka also confirms that the overworld shown in the Nintendo Direct presentation is similar to Super Mario World - where players can explore a more open and seamless map in comparison to the more linear approach in recent New Super Mario Bros games.


What do you think of Mario's first steps into High Definition?

Box art for New Super Mario Bros. U





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (12 Votes)

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Miis don't look too bad and the games shaping up nicely, but I'd still prefer other Mario characters >.>

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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This fat man is crap at making mario games. The multi player is shit too. I hate how you cant stand in the same spot. It makes tight platforming hard.

Where's Sonic?

Marriage and kids? Slows Tezukasan, I just met you!

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

What do you think of Mario's first steps into High Definition?

Not much at all, this game feels like it's part of a "New", long running generic Mario slew.

meeto_0 said:
This fat man is crap at making mario games. The multi player is shit too. I hate how you cant stand in the same spot. It makes tight platforming hard.

He's worked on some of the finest Super Mario games to date, starting with the first. This is down to Nintendo, not one designer.

Not much at all, this game feels like it's part of a "New", long running generic Mario slew.

Whilst I agree it generally still looks generic, it does look better, as well. Some of the backgrounds look fantastic, especially the painted looking ones. It's just a shame the actual sprites look generic still.

The fact that it's now in HD also makes it look better, it's looks really clean and sharp.

( Edited 07.06.2012 14:10 by Marzy )

Love the Mii usage. Smilie

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