Exclusively for Wii U, LEGO City: Undercover brings LEGO City play sets and vehicles to life in a huge world where players can run, drive and fly through the city. Assume the role of undercover detective Chase McCain as he dons numerous disguises to put an end to the evil Rex Fury's crime-filled ways spreading over the city.
The Wii U GamePad gives players unique abilities to enhance the gameplay experience. Use it to scan for clues and criminals, receive mission updates and place markers on the real time map. Go undercover in many disguises including a construction worker, firefighter and even a robber. Use each one's abilities to solve puzzles and reach new areas of the city. Jump into over 100 vehicles such as motorbikes, sports cars and planes. And of course, LEGO City: Undercover will feature all of the humour and parodies you've come to expect from the games, with full voice acting and ambient crowds bringing the game to life.
Check out the first gameplay footage below.
LEGO City: Undercover will be releasing Holiday 2012.