E3 2012 Media | Pikmin 3 Announced for Wii U - Debut Trailer, Screens

By Adam Riley 05.06.2012 8

E3 2012 Media | Pikmin 3 Announced for Wii U - Debut Trailer, Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Today at E3 Shigeru Miyamoto announced Pikmin 3 for Wii U. It's the return of an Army for Nintendo, a fully re-imagined strategy title - the first in the Pikmin series since it left off on the GameCube and was briefly remade on Wii.

Players once again take on a swarm of familiar, and new, ant-like creatures called Pikmin to sruvive. This harsh, tropical world is packed with all sorts of nifty treasures to uncover, puzzles to solve and beastly creatures to overcome. Part action, part strategy, Pikmin 3 is Nintendo's way of explaining how the Wii U GamePad can enhance a classic setup.

Image for E3 2012 Media | Pikmin 3 Announced for Wii U - Debut Trailer, Screens

Featuring four leaders, support for controls via both the GamePad alone or the Nunchuk and MotionPlus controls for more accurate gameplay, this third game in the series comes in glorious high definition. Choose to play with the GamePad alone and greater strategy can be employed thanks to the map feature on the GamePad's HD screen, complete with use of the touch-screen to access different areas quickly.

In addition to the previous Pikmin types, a new black 'Rock Pikmin' species will be available to help break down hard objects and barriers. The additional Mission Mode challenges players to earn the most treasure in a given time.

Image for E3 2012 Media | Pikmin 3 Announced for Wii U - Debut Trailer, Screens

For now, the high-definition debut E3 traiiler plus new screenshots.

Image for E3 2012 Media | Pikmin 3 Announced for Wii U - Debut Trailer, Screens

What do you think of the new Pikmin for Wii U and the concepts behind the game?

Box art for Pikmin 3








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (353 Votes)

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At the end is that a flying red pikmin?

at 1:24

( Edited 05.06.2012 19:39 by wolfy )


I don't know what people are smoking if they don't consider this a killer app for launch. What was everyone expecting? New Metroid and Zelda at launch?

Wolfy said: At the end is that a flying red pikmin?

I watched the trailer with my little brother and we both looked at each other and thought the same thing.

I am so psyched for this! I can die happy now. Smilie
Those graphics look beautiful. Can't wait until they reveal the story. Miyamoto was pretty sketchy with details on the four new characters.

Does anyone feel a little empty after this trailer. I think I wanted one of those trailers that shows off the controller input. The concept art for pikmin always looks so much better then the actual games. Being nintendo I thought they might have tried to imagine a world that doesnt look so real (environment wise)

Best game at E3. Do we know it's for launch though?

q (guest) 06.06.2012#7


Monkey D Super (guest) 06.06.2012#8

The only game at Nintendo's conference that excited me (save for Wii U port of Trine 2) and my only reason so far for getting a Wii U.

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