E3 2012 Media | Killer Freaks Becomes ZombiU

By Az Elias 05.06.2012 14

E3 2012 Media | Killer Freaks Becomes ZombiU on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

At last year's E3 Ubisoft showcased a demonstration of a first-person shooter featuring alien-like creatures that resembled the company's popular Rabbids in a game called Killer Freaks from Outer Space. However, today Ubisoft announced that Killer Freaks has instead evolved into a new game which puts players in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

ZombiU is an exclusive title for the Wii U that should be released during the console's launch window later this year. No gameplay footage was shown, but the teaser trailer seems to indicate the game takes place in England, with the famous red buses, red coat soldiers and the country's national anthem, God Save the Queen, all featuring in the video.


How do you feel about the fact that Killer Freaks has been canned and turned into ZombiU? Are you pleased that the Wii U will be getting a mature exclusive title like this? Leave your comments below.

Box art for ZombiU








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Hopefully some gameplay will be shown at the Nintendo conference tomorrow.

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

The Human victims are shown as Zombies in every scene, and the video loops since the guard at the end is the first Zombie you see.

( Edited 05.06.2012 00:42 by Stulaw )

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MEISKEN (guest) 05.06.2012#3

This looks AMAZING!

Yeah this is definitely the zombie game from the pre-e3 nintendo presentation.

J Tangle said:
Yeah this is definitely the zombie game from the pre-e3 nintendo presentation.

Then hopefully it doesn't look as crappy as the bits in the Nintendo direct. I know graphics aren't everything, but the game shown during the direct looked pretty awful.

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Hawk said:
Then hopefully it doesn't look as crappy as the bits in the Nintendo direct. I know graphics aren't everything, but the game shown during the direct looked pretty awful.

To be fair, what was shown in the pre-e3 could've been just an unpolished piece of the game that they just grabbed to use as an example. Who knows when that little nerd parody sketch was actually created.

J Tangle said:
Yeah this is definitely the zombie game from the pre-e3 nintendo presentation.

I was initially doubtful until I saw the Nintendo Direct video again. Those were British zombies.

The Ubisoft exec said that we'll be seeing more of ZombieU tomorrow.

( Edited 05.06.2012 07:33 by Sonic_13 )

Intriguing. I like the British take on the genre, feels almost like a game version of 28 days/weeks later. Hopefully the Gamepad will allow for some gameplay variation too. ^^

Looks promising. Our anthem sung in a American twang sounds slightly odd.

Am I the only one who preferred the Killer Freaks concept?

It was different and had some humour to it, this just looks like another standard zombie game, in my opinion.

Marzy said:
Am I the only one who preferred the Killer Freaks concept?

It was different and had some humour to it, this just looks like another standard zombie game, in my opinion.

I was looking forward to hearing more about Killer Freaks as well. It was actually one of the games that stood out in my mind the most after last E3. Hopefully they made a good choice in scrapping it.

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.
Monkey D Super (guest) 05.06.2012#12

Ugh, another zombie game...
To be honest, KFFOS looked more interesting compared to its current form now. Oh well...

Aliens WiiU is the only Sci-Fi fix I need on WiiU, I'm glad this is a zombie game, the more mature games on WiiU, the better.

Hopefully RE6 will follow.

Looks fine so far, based on this. I do hope they retain some of the humor they had in KFFOS, at least the humor we saw in the little bit that was at E3 last year.

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