E3 2012 Media | New Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Trailer Shown

By Az Elias 04.06.2012 2

E3 2012 Media | New Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Trailer Shown on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Anticipated by plenty of fans of the music of long-running RPG franchise Final Fantasy, Square Enix has released one more trailer for rhythmic 3DS game Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.

The demonstration reveals a closer look at the finer customisation aspect of characters, where players can add equipment and abilities that have effects on the game such as dealing more damage to enemies or finding treasure. Three types of gameplay are available: Battles pit four selected characters against enemies in fast tempo stages, Events feature montages of Final Fantasy games in the background, and Field sequences have a character walk on a path through a familiar area. Players must tap, trace and swipe in time with the notes to complete each stage and achieve as high a ranking as possible.

Pre-ordering the game from Amazon will also net players a customisable stylus and sticker set. UK readers can pre-order from Amazon UK here.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy is due to release on July 3 in North America, July 5 in Australia and July 6 in Europe.

Box art for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy



Square Enix





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The clip of Final Fantasy VII had Japanese text. I hope they didn't get lazy with segments like that. Smilie

Seems like Square is, their entire KH3D trailer was spoken in english...but all the ingame text was still in japanese. You could tell all they did was change the audio for the EXACT same trailer they released months ago.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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