3 Cooking Mama Bundles Coming To Wii and DS in August

By Pip 01.06.2012

3 Cooking Mama Bundles Coming To Wii and DS in August on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Cooking Mama fans will be delighted to hear that Majesco Entertainment will be offering 3 incredibly priced combo packs of the popular franchise to be available from August 2012. The franchise has sold over 13 million copies worldwide so far and the upcoming bundles for Wii and DS are set to include some of the most popular titles including Cooking With Friends and World Kitchen.

Mama's Combo Pack Volume 1 for the DS includes the original best-selling Cooking Mama where there are 75 dishes to create under Mama's watchful eye. It also includes Camping Mama: Outdoor Adventures where players must set up camp, interact with wildlife and hunt for treasure across 38 levels.

In Mama's Combo Pack Volume 2, cooked dishes will be judged by Mama and her finicky friends in Cooking Mama 2: Dinner With Friends. There's 80 new recipes to learn in this one as well as content to unlock which will enable players to customise Mama and the kitchen. The second title in this bundle is Crafting Mama which features 40 different projects in which players must use the stylus to sew, mold, paint and cut to create a wide range of crafts.

Mama's 2-Pack for Wii comprises of Cooking Mama Cook Off and Cooking Mama World Kitchen. The former sees players going head to head with other chefs whilst the latter includes fresh recipes from around the world and comedic kitchen mini-games; all in stunning 3D graphics.

Jesse Sutton, Chief Executive Officer of Majesco Entertainment comments:

We’re extremely proud of our Cooking Mama franchise that grew from one genre-defining game on Nintendo DS into a 13 million unit sales triumph across multiple platforms. Mama’s charm and simple yet addictive gameplay formula have transformed millions into interactive cooks, crafters and campers. Our Mama Combo Packs combine these classic experiences to offer new fans Mama’s best content at an unbeatable price.

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