Brave: The Video Game Official Trailer

By Pip 19.05.2012

Brave: The Video Game Official Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Brave: The Video Game is an upcoming action-adventure title set to be released this summer in conjunction with the release of the Disney Pixar animated fantasy film of the same name. Players must battle their way through mythical, mysterious Scotland by fighting fierce enemies in order to break a magical curse and save a kingdom.

The game features Merida, Pixar's first heroine who happens to be an expert archer. Check her out in the official gameplay trailer:


In console versions of the game other characters from the film can be played. There are also additional options for play such as multi-player mode and a special Bear mode.

Brave: The Video Game will be available from Summer 2012 on Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo DS, PC and Mac.

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