Nintendo have released a new animated trailer for the upcoming sequel to Pokémon Black / White, with all new faces in a familiar world.
The plot this time round follows on two years from its predecessor, set in the same world of Unova. Unlike the regular long-running animé series, there isn't a prickly haired Ash Ketchum or his trusty Pikachu in sight, instead the scenes depict a new hero rumbling against a mysterious new masked foe through shards of vicious ice.
There's also battles aboard a ship, Lucario letting loose some energy - plus two fierce Legendary beasts going up against one another in a climatic finalé. All rather exciting stuff to be explored in the direct sequel for DS (and 3DS) later this year.
The Pokémon Company are on the rampage to shut this trailer down - so be sure to get a look in before it goes.
What do you think of this new trailer for Pokémon Black/White 2 - would you like to see a new animé series along the same lines and cutscenes within the game itself in this style?