Wii U Gets Digital Downloads on Day One

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.04.2012 17

Wii U Gets Digital Downloads on Day One on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

As well as venturing into digital distribution with the 3DS, Nintendo also confirmed that the Wii U will do the same from day one.

Speaking to investors today, company president Satoru Iwata revealed that New Super Mario Bros 2 will be the first of the 3DS's line-up to also be available in digital form.

As highlighted earlier this week, the Wii U will also receive the same treatment. You may expect a staggered release of functionality given Nintendo's previous output, however Iwata confirmed that the console will be fully online and operational from the get go.

Whilst it will likely not apply to each and every game, Nintendo will be offering consumers to purchase WIi U titles as either traditional retail, boxed games or as a download straight onto the console itself. Nintendo is also hoping to have a robust app store and selection of downloads once consumers get their paws on the new hardware before the end of the year.

What do you think of the move to digital on Wii U - will you be downloading the latest titles, or purchasing them as packaged games?

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This is great news, I'll probably continue to buy the retail versions but it seems like Nintendo are finally entering the modern digital market, I hope this also means there are no limits on downloadable games.

Plus for convenience sake it's always great to be able to download games that are rare in retail or heck maybe they haven't even developed physical units because it may not sell.

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Very good stuff Smilie

I hope theres some clear legal guarantied (the legal right to be able redownload guarantied for X number of years after - say, 10).

But on the whole I am all for it. Screw the physical world! - too much resources wasted on creation and shipping. Having media transported physically will one day seem nuts to people.

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Didn't he say that ALL Nintendo's 1st party titles will be made available digitally?

Bucky (guest) 27.04.2012#4

Would love for them to release some of the Gamecube and Wii games on the WiiU through the digital store similar to how PS2 and PSX games can be puchased on PS3 through the Playstation Store.

I think Nintendo are starting to catch up with people like Microsoft and Sony. Nice to see that both consoles are getting the digital treatment and not just one. I look forward to seeing what lies in store for us. Smilie

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

I predict stomach-churning prices that only Nintendo can set.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.
Bart (guest) 27.04.2012#7

"I think Nintendo are starting to catch up with people like Microsoft and Sony"

I feel like I've been reading this comment over and over again for the past 10 years.

Maybe I'm just tired.

Raff said:
I predict stomach-churning prices that only Nintendo can set.

It will be just as bad as Sony and Microsofts digital pricing.
Thing is though, you don't have to buy directly from the eShop so retailers can sell it at discount prices like regular packaged games if they want to.
Obviosuly I doubt any major discounting on a popular game like Mario Bros, but hopfully smaller titles will.

( Edited 27.04.2012 22:12 by Mr James2t3 )

Problem is this: with the great exception of steam (unless anyone else can correct me) no longer having to hold onto physical copies means no one is forced to clear house and have great sale discounts.

Why are people saying this is catch up?

Do Sony and Microsoft release all their first party titles as downloads? Thats news to me.
I was aware of some of them, but not all...

http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

I could see thos feature being used for GameCube games...which would be a great explanation as to why the U doesn't work with GC titles.

I won't mind though, having a forever copy of Wind Waker, RE0, REmake, Ikaruga, P.N.03, RE4, RE Code Veronica X, Cubivor, Chibi Robo, Custom Robo, FFCC, Eternal Darkness, Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO & MAAAAAANY more is a good thing, AAAAND new Nintendo system owners that unjustly ignored the Cube can now see what they've been missing for the past 6 years!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

hopefully we will see something like triple play, where you get a digital version and a retail copy for 1 price. id pay 50 quid for a double play game( retail and digital) but then id expect to see digital releases at £40 the price of a regular retail release. stand alone retail releases should be done away with... well at least for the AAA titles

Supa_hyped said:
hopefully we will see something like triple play, where you get a digital version and a retail copy for 1 price. id pay 50 quid for a double play game( retail and digital) but then id expect to see digital releases at £40 the price of a regular retail release. stand alone retail releases should be done away with... well at least for the AAA titles
Yeah, I would love to see this. It would certainly be something I would take advantage of.. as I love owning games physically, but I would also like the ability to carry around my 3DS titles on the go, without having to change cartridge all the time. Make this happen, Nintendo!

Hopefully they'll go back through the 3DS catalogue and convert them digitally too, wouldn't say no to Mario 3D Land saved onto the hardware. Smilie

I wonder if seeing 3DS games on the eShop in this manner makes DS games more likely to appear on the service? A version of SM64DS fully optimised for the Circle pad would be an instant-buy, and I'd rebuy TWEWY if only to make sure Square gets some profit from me this time.

( Edited 29.04.2012 13:33 by Phoenixus )

Wolfy (forgot pw) (guest) 29.04.2012#15

Didn't Iwata also state that, it will also be cheaper. (no middle man to pay) and retailers will be buying the "codes" to download a game at wholesale prices, so that they can make their own price and be competive.

"So far, the software sold at the Nintendo eShop has not been offered in other sales channels, so the price points for the consumers are virtually fixed. When it comes to the digital download software that our retailers are going to deal with, just as they do so for our packaged software, we will ask them to decide the price points. Accordingly, the retail prices for the same digital download product can vary by retailer. In terms of the fact that the company is offering the value of the software itself, we do not have an idea to act on such a belief as, “digital download software should be sold at a cheaper price point than the packaged software counterpart.” In terms of the Japanese “maker’s suggested retail price,” in principle we intend to set the same maker’s suggested retail price point for a software title. By taking this approach, there will not be a situation like “there is no markdown for the digital products while markdowns are the norm for the packaged software.” We would like each of our consumers to choose the most appropriate purchase option for them.

So, if I can illustrate what I have said today…

As you can see here, in the common digital product distribution of today, it is the standard business model where the platform holder makes direct sales to consumers, which is often called the disintermediation type of digital product distribution. However, the digital product distribution channel Nintendo conceives is not the disintermediation type.

As you can see, Nintendo sells its digital download products to its retailers, and the retailers sell them to the consumers.

In this case, retailers are going to decide the retail prices of our digital download products, which have been decided by Nintendo so far. Nintendo will not be involved in the retailer’s retail price decision. Also, Nintendo has so far been shouldering the billing and the settlement costs at the Nintendo eShop business, but with this system, just like the ordinary packaged products, Nintendo will not shoulder these costs."

Good move on Nintendo's part. I'll probably keep buying physical copies for as long as I can, but it's good to give people the option. People seem to prefer digital goods, now.

meeto_0 said:Problem is this: with the great exception of steam (unless anyone else can correct me) no longer having to hold onto physical copies means no one is forced to clear house and have great sale discounts.

GOG is the only download service I use with any sort of frequency, and I know they have sales. GOG sells old PC games and they tinker with them a bit to make them work on newer PCs. They also just recently started selling indie PC games. Anyway, they often have sales where games will be 50% off (and most games are only $6.00-$10.00 full price to begin with). Earlier this month, they just gave away the original Fallout for 48 hours.

I love GOG.

( Edited 29.04.2012 22:24 by TAG )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Tis good news methinks, at least there'll be the option for either or. I like the "triple play" idea supa_hyped - would definitely use something like this if given the choice. Perhaps more so for 3DS games though.

Wolfy - Iwata didn't say, as far as I understand, that the digital games will be cheaper - at least directly on the eShop. They should be the standard retail RRP. Nintendo wouldn't want to sell games on the eShop cheaper than the retail price. He says Nintendo sets prices based on the value of the game, rather than the distribution means.

Yep - retailers will be able to set their own prices for the digital downloads, so could undercut Nintendo directly with offers/promotion. That said, they wouldn't want retailers to go too far cheap that they may still have a wholesale/cost price that's in line with the packaged versions imo.

Online will still be the cheapest imo - just think - being able to purchase a game code from an online shop to get the best� deal. No need to wait for shipping, easy.

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