Can you Decipher this Nintendo Teaser?

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.04.2012 19

The latest issue of Nintendo Power contains a peculiar teaser that promises "exciting revelations". But what does that entail?

A "cover story for the generations" is being teased by this oddly shaped red silhouette - but just what exactly could it be? A return for a classic Nintendo franchise, a cross-over perhaps? Be sure to air your thoughts in the comments section below.

Via Infendo.

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Top right looks like Link!

I don't see anything (yet) in the red figure, but I think there might be something in the black outtakes.

Do you see the bottom right part? Don't the black outtakes look like rooftops? Then the bottom left could be some shrubs...
Hm I'm probably wrong.

Is that a part of the Hyrule Crest in the bottom of the red figure? I personally don't think this will be about a new Zelda game. They took 6 years to make the last one, I don't think the next one is coming anytime soon.

Ok, who is this wizard ape and who is his mini sidekick?

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But in all seriousness I wonder if the last sentence is a hint? "rue your fate, comrade." isn't exactly colloquial magazine speak.

Maybe Fire Emblem Awakening which was just recently registered with a US trademark? That doesn't seem like a cover story for the generations but.
Ah well we'll see I guess.

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It's red and they used the word "comrade". Something to do with USSR or the Russian Federation?

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cbarroso09 (guest) 26.04.2012#6

looks like a monster hunter character

womble (guest) 26.04.2012#7

it's banjo & koozie

Metal Gear Solid Anthology - Wii U - I called it.

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I've seen some people speculate MGS, and others thinking it's an abstract picture of Russia, pointing to a Goldeneye Sequel.

Me, well I don't think it's going to be anything to do with the Wii U, I mean it'll only be a week or so away from E3.

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Searching around the net, the best thing I can find is that it's a stylized map of Russia.

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Pretty darn close. The jagged edges though had me thinking a sequel to the world ends with you or even Mad World. With the "comrade" and then this map though it's gotta be a 007 game or something Smilie

If the part at the top right wasn't that blocky, I could actually imagine this being a Monster Hunter character holding a Great Sword. Smilie

tehgam3r (guest) 26.04.2012#12

I really hope it turns out to be Advance Wars, the picture reminds me of a continent from there and the last line comrade? Well either way we are long overdue a sequel!

Hm, Advance Wars is the best guess I've seen so far. On the other hand, that series never uses real but fictional nations...

I'm still going with my ape theory. Maybe it's a cousin of Donkey Kong.

It looks like rooftops to me & I'll guess at a reveal of The World Ends With You 2. Smilie

TWEWY 2, Advance Wars, MGS Collection or F-Zero.

Its clearly PacMan! <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Nifty (guest) 27.04.2012#17

I also think it's the sequel to The World Ends With You. A few years ago Square Enix mentioned that they might make a sequel. I when I look and see buildings it reminds me of the the setting of TWEWY, but towards the borrom right i could almost make out a face looking left (Shiki-ish?) and a bit to the right I see what could be the teeth on a cartooney skull (Beat-ish?)
And he game is a lot about ones own fate so that's my guess.

Gibbs (guest) 04.05.2012#18

Actually, you just gave me an idea.
Russia? Neuclear Power? Red? Comrade?
Metro: Last Light....Smilie
but then again its no Wii U exlusive... and the shape is worng.... and it says rule your fate...
now im kina hoping for another TWEWY.

Mahmoud (guest) 11.06.2012#19

Nintendo can regain power but it will take sohtmeing futuristic to beat Microsoft and Sony. Ive always loved nintendo I love the GCube, but the Wii controller is a bust and with this next set of consols Im changing to XBox 360. I would like to add that even though the new consols have been improved dramatically in the past, I think this next set of gaming systems is not nearly as revolutionary compared to the previous version as they have been in the past.

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