Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise Gets European Launch Date

By 22.04.2012 3

Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise Gets European Launch Date on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest European Nintendo Direct video broadcast gave us plenty of news to digest, but one of the most exciting announcements was the fact that Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise finally has a release date. The game will be landing on store shelves on July the 6th 2012. Fortunately, that's not all to look forward to, because Nintendo also made another very exciting announcement about the European version of the game.

Whilst the US version missed out on the the fantastic Japanese soundtrack, Europe will be getting the option to pick between both! The decision to include the option means you'll be able to play the entire game with the Japanese soundtrack - this can be selected when you start a new save file. If you do decide to change your mind though, you can switch back to the English soundtrack through the file select screen.

You can check out the differences below, with a new trailer Nintendo has provided.

Box art for Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise
Also known as

Rhythm Heaven Fever









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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Our member of the week

The news that the European version would include the japanese soundtrack was the best of this Nintendo Direct for me Smilie. I was already mildly interested in the game prior to that, but now I think I might purchase it.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

It was the best news for me, as well. I got so excited about it when it was announced. It's the best thing they could have done for the game and I'm really pleased with how Nintendo Europe have been treating us these past few years.

Simply fantastic news.

( Edited 22.04.2012 13:37 by Marzy )

This is the best possible thing. :3

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