Harmony of a Hunter Set to Get an Expansion Album, 101% Run

By 21.04.2012 10

Harmony of a Hunter Set to Get an Expansion Album, 101% Run on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Last year, Metroid fan-site, Shinesparkers, put together a Metroid remix album called Harmony of a Hunter. The project was put together to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Metroid franchise and it featured a number of tracks ranging from the very first Metroid right up until Samus' latest entry, Metroid: Other M. Due to great success of that album, Shinesparkers are now producing a follow up to it, named Harmony of a Hunter 101% Run and it will feature brand new tracks!

The new album will also see the return of artists that worked on the first album and also new faces and you can expect a diverse range of music throughout. The album will release later this year and will be free to download. For now though, you can get a taste of what the the album will offer via the video below.

To keep up with updates, you can also check out the Harmony of a Hunter Facebook page.

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Did not know about this! Downloading the first album now. Love, love, love Metroid music.

Very nice, didn't Nintendo showcase one of the artists in Nintendo video playing the original Metroid theme? I remember seeing these guys in the spotlight on ign & youtube.

Very good to hear their doing more, I loved their first album & am looking forward to DLing the next. If Nintendo would allow I'd gladly put down money to buy an official CD from Fry's Electronics or Best Buy, hell even if it was listed as an offer on Club Nintendo I'd waste $$$ to buy enough registration codes to get my hands on physical copies of CDs!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I'm no Metroid nut, but do love gaming re-arrangements/remixes, would like to see more compilations like this Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Hey guys! Smilie I'm the director of Harmony of a Hunter and founder of Metroid fan website Shinesparkers. Thanks for giving us some further coverage, it's much appreciated. Our Facebook group will give you further updates as we have them, so it's always best to 'like' us for all news first.

I look forward to checking out the forum!

Darren said:
Hey guys! Smilie I'm the director of Harmony of a Hunter and founder of Metroid fan website Shinesparkers. Thanks for giving us some further coverage, it's much appreciated. Our Facebook group will give you further updates as we have them, so it's always best to 'like' us for all news first.

I look forward to checking out the forum!

Welcome to Cubed3, Darren. It's always nice to have new members join our community. I hope you enjoy your stay here. It better be a lengthy stay, too. Smilie

Yeah good to hear from you Darren, I look forward to seeing what this new CD offers. Also great title choice for Volume 2...I wonder how many people will get the 101% Run part of the title? *wink wink*

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I have no idea what that 101% means... is it some glitch that allowed for 101% clearance?

Canyarion said:
I have no idea what that 101% means... is it some glitch that allowed for 101% clearance?
Yeah, if I remember rightly it was some Missile Expansion you could collect twice, or something like that. If you collected that twice and all the other missile expansions, energy tanks, etc. you would get 101% complete marked on your save file.

Quite an interesting glitch if you ask me. Smilie

Mush123 said:
Canyarion said:
I have no idea what that 101% means... is it some glitch that allowed for 101% clearance?
Yeah, if I remember rightly it was some Missile Expansion you could collect twice, or something like that. If you collected that twice and all the other missile expansions, energy tanks, etc. you would get 101% complete marked on your save file.

Quite an interesting glitch if you ask me. Smilie

It's actually in reference to a few things. You are spot on with the missile glitch from Prime 2, but it's also because the first time around, we were so sure we had packed everything we could that it was 100%, I had no intention of making another album. So 101% Run reflects that additional effort.

Thanks for the warm welcome, really glad you're looking forward to the album! Smilie

Darren said:
It's actually in reference to a few things. You are spot on with the missile glitch from Prime 2, but it's also because the first time around, we were so sure we had packed everything we could that it was 100%, I had no intention of making another album. So 101% Run reflects that additional effort.

I kind of guessed those were the reasons you called it "101% Run". It makes perfect sense really, whilst also referencing the Metroid Prime games. So it's a pretty great title. Smilie

( Edited 23.04.2012 03:32 by Mush123 )

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