Nomura Teases The World Ends With You Sequel

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.04.2012 4

Nomura Teases The World Ends With You Sequel on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix's king of RPG design Tetsuya Nomura recently teased the possibility of a follow-up to The World Ends With You.

The original IP for DS has had its fair share of praise from fans and critics alike, but the 2008 game appeared to be one of those standalone gems. Then protagonist Neku Sakuraba found his way into the latest installment of the Kingdom Hearts series, complete with a voice. The decision to include the once silent chap spurred Japanese magazine to probe Nomura into the decision, to which he replied it was done "out of consideration of the future of The World Ends With You series".

Appreciating the series via a cameo is fair enough, however what about the potential for a follow-up?

Regarding The World Ends With You, I can't say anything at present... (laughs). But there probably is something.

Via Andriasang.

Are you an fan ofThe World Ends With You? Would you like to see a follow-up for 3DS or Wii U?

Box art for The World Ends with You

Square Enix


Square Enix





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I wouldn't just like seeing a sequel for the 3DS or Wii U...I'd completely freak out if I saw an announcement for one. Smilie

I've been seeing this comming for awhile, good to know it's been fairly confirmed now.

Also has Nomura been clearer on his idea of bringing Cell Phone based FF7 Before Crysis to the 3DS & involving possible Wi-Fi functionality? I remember reading a story on here where he said it'd be interesting using the Street Pass functionality for a game like Before Crisis since you play as the Turks.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:

Also has Nomura been clearer on his idea of bringing Cell Phone based FF7 Before Crysis to the 3DS & involving possible Wi-Fi functionality? I remember reading a story on here where he said it'd be interesting using the Street Pass functionality for a game like Before Crisis since you play as the Turks.

That was Tabata, director of FF Type-0, who said he'd like to remake it on 3DS given the chance. Nothing mentioned since then, but would be wonderful if it happened.

SirLink said:
I wouldn't just like seeing a sequel for the 3DS or Wii U...I'd completely freak out if I saw an announcement for one. Smilie

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