Kirby 20th Anniversary Disc for Wii Incoming

By Az Elias 21.04.2012 5

Kirby 20th Anniversary Disc for Wii Incoming on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has revealed that it will be releasing a compilation disc of Kirby's best games this year for the Wii.

We’re thrilled to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Kirby by releasing a special Wii disc featuring all your favorite Kirby games this year! Which Kirby games are you looking forward to playing again?

Mario got the same treatment with the Super Mario All-Stars: 25th Anniversary Edition package that was released in 2010. Hopefully we'll get a bigger selection of games this time around. Which Kirby games would you like to see?

Image for Kirby 20th Anniversary Disc for Wii Incoming
Box art for Kirby's Dream Collection: Special Edition

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Hopefully we'll get a bigger selection of games this time around.

Exactly what I was thinking when seeing this announcement. I've only played Epic Yarn and Kirby Wii so far and I'd like to play the older games too and a compilation would be perfect for that.

Makes you wonder though, they remember Kirby's 20th anniversary but completely ignored Metroid's 25th? :/ Zelda got a kickass 25th anniversary last year, but Metroid deserves some love too. There's been nothing about it since Metroid: Other M in 2010...hopefully E3 will change that.

Metroid should easily have had something. It's not a big franchise in Japan, but it should have had something over here for sure. VC releases of Metroid 1 and 2 don't interest me. If Nintendo show off a Metroid sidescroller and maybe new FPS Metroid for Wii U, all will be forgiven.

Can only guess because Metroid is less popular in Japan? :-/

I didn't forget the anniversary
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I don't see the Game Boy games being part of this. There's a bigger buck to make in the 3DS VC rereleases. I expect repacks of VC releases, just like they've done with the Mario anniversary pack. So Kirby's Adventure, Kirby's Dreamland 3, Kirby's Fun Pak (Kirby Super Star for North America), and hopefully Kirby 64 The Crystal Shards, and lastly perhaps the odd spin off like Kirby's Dream Course.

And of course, since this is Nintendo, all of these will be 50Hz only for Europe and obviously incompatible with progressive scan.

Mark my words Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:

And of course, since this is Nintendo, all of these will be 50Hz only for Europe and obviously incompatible with progressive scan.

Mark my words Smilie.

I have a strong hate for companies throwing their shit 50Hz games at us in this day and age. Couldn't believe the cheek when Mario All-Stars Wii was all 50Hz. You're right though - very unlikely this will be 60Hz worldwide. Disgusting.

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