Yesterday Reef Entertainment announced the European release of their first 3DS eShop title; Alien Chaos 3D. The game is a combination of shooting and cleaning across 5 chapters and 30 levels.
Really Shooter, the main character, runs a cleaning business and takes commando jobs on the side. When animal robot aliens invade Really must use a variety of weapons ranging from a Peashooter to an Explosive Flaming Chainsaw Shotgun to keep away the hordes of robo-boxing kangaroos, rocket spiked hedgehogs, shield carrying hippos and robo-frog fodder.
All the while Really has to sweep empty shells into recycling bins to make ammo whilst also cleaning walls to gain points and credit from Poor Mama. Amongst the chaos, players will experience 3D debris, sparks, smoke and flaming chainsaws popping out from the screen. Here are some first look screenshots of the forthcoming title:
![Image for Alien Chaos 3D Coming To Nintendo 3DS](/media/2012/April/AC3D1.jpg)
![Image for Alien Chaos 3D Coming To Nintendo 3DS](/media/2012/April/AC3D3.jpg)
![Image for Alien Chaos 3D Coming To Nintendo 3DS](/media/2012/April/AC3D4.jpg)
![Image for Alien Chaos 3D Coming To Nintendo 3DS](/media/2012/April/AC3D6.jpg)