Titanic Mystery On Wii & DS Commemorates 100th Anniversary Of Sinking

By Pip 17.04.2012 2

Titanic Mystery On Wii & DS Commemorates 100th Anniversary Of Sinking on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

O-Games have released an all-new hidden object game to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Titanic. Titanic Mystery for the Nintendo Wii and DS boasts 30 intricate levels filled with hidden historical treasures and mysterious secrets to unfurl.

In the game players will find themselves on new ocean liner Titanic II searching for a hidden bomb. Skills of investigation and interrogation must be used to save the ship and its passengers. Along the way players can learn fascinating facts about the original Titanic which set sail in 1912 and try the challenging mini-games.

Watch the trailer for Titanic Mystery here:


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Milk anyone?

Isn't this one exactally like the titanice hidden-object game that has already been released a few years ago???
I finished that one in 4 hours and looks identical.

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