Pikmin, Mario Wii U Confirmed for E3 Show

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.04.2012 16

Pikmin, Mario Wii U Confirmed for E3 Show on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The internet went giddy with excitement today with Nintendo confirming the appearance of two anticipated Wii U titles at this year's E3.

It's no secret, nor no surprise that Nintendo has a new 2D Super Mario Bros game in the works, and in an interview with creator Shigeru Miyamoto, the next installment for Wii U will be shown off at the show in June. The project did make a brief appearance last year as a technical demo, and Nintendo noted that the concept will form the basis of the actual game.

In a recent interview, Mr. Miyamoto confirmed that a new Super Mario Bros. game for the Wii U system will be shown at this year's E3 Expo. This is based on the Mario experience that was demonstrated at last year's E3 Expo. We'll have more to announce about our plans for the E3 Expo at a later date.

The long awaited follow-up to the niche favourite Pikmin will also be shown at the Expo - according to Miyamoto, and now confirmed by Nintendo themselves. The project was originally slated for Wii, but with improved technology and a new controller - the time was right for the Japanese development house to bring back Olimar and friends.

Via Kotaku.

Box art for Pikmin 3








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Pikmin 3!!!!!!!!!!

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( Edited 22.08.2012 23:17 by )

Monkey D Super (guest) 17.04.2012#2

Pikmin 3 is the only reason so far why I want a Wii U.

Looks like I have another midnight Nintendo launch to attend!Smilie

( Edited 22.08.2012 23:17 by )

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Two launch games I hope!

Pikemiiiin! Smilie
Wish they brought out Pikmin 3 for the Wii though, seen as I'm not sure when/if I'll buy a Wii U.

Bart (guest) 17.04.2012#6

Good decision.

Wii Pikmin 3 would have the same graphics as the first two parts. I'm not sure how the Wiiuuuwiiiuu!!! graphics will be, but if they're on par with at least an oldie like the Xbox360, it will look great with lots of details and (maybe) smarter Pikmin.
Also, online Pikmin battles!

Damn, a new Pikmin with photo realistic graphics/same style graphics as Pikmin 2. Really want to see this on a nice tv.

I'm really looking forward to all the new stuff they came up with. Nintendo rarely release a simple sequel, they always have a wow-factor. For Pikmin 2 it was coop, underworld levels, etc.

So I'm hoping it will let you create your own garden. It will be great to plant seeds and slowly see your garden grow.

Oh and does anyone else think the E3 tech demo with the bird has anything to do with Pikmin 3?? If it has graphics like that... awesome.

( Edited 22.08.2012 23:17 by )

You know what'd be awesome, if the amount of pikmin on the field increased substantially, maybe something like 1000! There were several times in the first two games where it would've been nicer to have more pikmin slaves by your side Smilie

Pikmin = hell yes.

Mario (if its anything remotely like the Mii demo) = big fat meh. Controlling Mii's IS NOT A FEATURE TO BOAST ABOUT.

( Edited 18.04.2012 15:15 by Darkflame )

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Darkflame said:
Mario (if its anything remotely like the Mii demo) = big fat meh. Controlling Mii's IS NOT A FEATURE TO BOAST ABOUT.

If, however, you are able to control a large group of mii's in Pikmin and lead them to a violent death involving being barbecued and devoured, then there existence will totally be justified in any game.
(Seriously gang, I'm calling it now. Really hope we get this feature.)

Haha, that would actually be awesome! Smilie Throwing around your friends' Miis instead of Pikmin! Smilie

But more likely we can replace Olimar with our Mii... Smilie

Duggler657 said:
Darkflame said:
Mario (if its anything remotely like the Mii demo) = big fat meh. Controlling Mii's IS NOT A FEATURE TO BOAST ABOUT.

If, however, you are able to control a large group of mii's in Pikmin and lead them to a violent death involving being barbecued and devoured, then there existence will totally be justified in any game.
(Seriously gang, I'm calling it now. Really hope we get this feature.)

Much like StreetPass Quest2 they could even use the colours as well.

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I guess I'm just a sick individual at heart... My dream now is to take a Reggie-Mii-Purple-Pikmin-thing and lead it out into the wilderness to watch it squeal and die.... I sorta imagine it looking something like that Sega Seaman game. You know, A realistic Reggie face on a fat, purple pikmin.

God, anybody handy with photoshop? I really want to see what that looks like now.

Not photoshop (guest) 19.04.2012#14

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I love you internets. I really love you.

I think the internet is now a sentient lifeform that makes anything you can think of popinto existence.Smilie

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