The father of all things The Legend of Zelda, Shigeru Miyamoto, has expressed a desire to see The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past remade.
Of all the candidates in the franchise's 25 year history that pop up as suggestions for a remake, the 1991 2D Zelda game is one that sits proudly at the top of the list. The iconic SNES game did receive a port on the Game Boy Advance, however series producer Eiji Aonuma has hoped to revisit the game on more than one occasion.
Now series creator Miyamoto also wants to develop "something new maybe based on, or starting from, A Link To The Past." The game could be rethought as a more contemporary 3D Zelda adventure, or perhaps a 3DS classics take.
Some directors, I can give them the title and I know they will do something great with it. Other directors I’m not so 100 per cent confident [in], so they’re the ones I’d rather take a more remake approach to the title. It really depends on that as well.
Would you like to see A Link to the Past remade into a 3D adventure in the style of Ocarina of Time etc? Or a new 2D-styled adventure along the same lines as the original?