Guild01 3DS Sees Slight Delay in Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.04.2012

Guild01 3DS Sees Slight Delay in Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Level-5 collaboration between four developers in Japan will see a slight delay for its release next month.

Guild01 is a unique compilation of four very different projects released in a single retail package. In one you'll be piloting a space-ship made from a humanoid robot, the next involves being an apprentice in a weapons shop, whilst the other two include luggage handling and dungeon crawling.

Reputable designers Suda 51, Yasumi Matsuno and Yoot Saito are all involved.

Originally planned for release on 17 May in Japan, it's been pushed back a mere 12 days to the 31st to allow a little more time to delivery a satisfactory package.

Via Andriasang.

Box art for Guild01








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