Independent-minded publisher XSEED Games have announced that the dungeon-crawling RPG title Unchained Blades will be brought to the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Portable later this year in North America. The game has been completely redubbed in English and boasts over 60 hours of gameplay.
The game follows the vengeful dragon emperor Fang on a journey to win back his powers after being stripped of them by the goddess Clunea. On his quest he is joined by a band of mythical characters seeking to meet the goddess including a cowardly golem prince, a shy medusa priestess and a young phoenix clan maiden. Each character can collect up to four followers in battle along the way providing more defence for the party against enemy monsters.
The game is a collaborative project and contributors to the title consist of some of Japan's most high-profile developers and artists including Toshio Akashi of the Lunar series and Takashi Hino of the Grandia series. The 13 main characters in the game all have a distinct design as they were each created by a different artist.
Stick with Cubed3 for more details on Unchained Blades in the coming months.