Pokémon Conquest Heading Stateside

By Az Elias 04.04.2012 3

Pokémon Conquest Heading Stateside on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo America has announced that the tactical crossover between the Pokémon and Nobunaga's Ambition game series, released in Japan on March 17th, will be heading to the United States as Pokémon Conquest.

Releasing on June 18th, Pokémon Conquest sees players take the role of a young Warlord, commanding Pokémon and building bonds with them, whilst battling other Warlords and Warriors and their own monsters in tactical turn-based fights, all in an effort to conquer the Ransei region.

A story trailer has also been released by Nintendo.


See Nintendo's full press release below, and check out the game's images folder for new screenshots and artwork.


Experience the Acclaimed Pokémon Series in an Entirely New Way in this Hand-Held Adventure

REDMOND, Wash., April 4, 2012 - A creative new entry in the Pokémon family of video games delivers a new way for fans to enjoy this legendary series on the Nintendo DS family of systems. Pokémon Conquest, set to launch on June 18, offers a fun new way to play Pokémon in a unique world called Ransei that is filled with adventure. Developed by TECMO KOEI GAMES Co., Ltd., the 2D game can also be played on the Nintendo 3DS system.

In Pokémon Conquest, players take on the role of a young Warlord who is linked with a Pokémon. Together, they must set out to recruit Warrior allies to strengthen their growing kingdom. Along their journey, players will encounter a variety of Pokémon, as well as Warriors and Warlords inspired by the Japanese feudal era. The game contains nearly 200 Pokémon, including many from the recent Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version games, which have sold more than 4 million copies combined in the United States.

As the battlefield unfolds in Pokémon Conquest, players must choose the correct Pokémon type to inflict maximum damage on their opponents. In the turn-based skirmishes, players choose different tactics for intense six-on-six battles, and battle conditions can change on every turn, keeping players on their toes in anticipation of what will happen next.

"Pokémon fans are always interested in playing in new environments and experiencing new adventures," said Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. "Pokémon Conquest gives them an entirely new way to enjoy this beloved series, with exciting new settings, fierce battles and nearly 200 Pokémon to team up with."

For more information about Pokémon Conquest, visit www.pokemon.com.

Box art for Pokémon Conquest

Tecmo Koei







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Pokemon meets Dynasty Warriors in a T.B.S...freaky.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Kinda surprised this is getting localised, but then, it's Pokémon so sure it'll sell plenty! Does look good, I'll probably get it when I find it cheap. Smilie

Amira (guest) 06.04.2012#3


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