More Details on Level-5 3DS Foursome

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.03.2012 3

More Details on Level-5 3DS Foursome on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Curious about Level-5's 3DS cross-developer collaboration, Guild01? A new site has launched with juicy morsels to nibble at. The project comprises of four different games from various studios, packaged together into a retail release by Level-5 - “Only new things can be done", they say.

Kaihou Shojo Guild01
Translated locally as Liberation Girl, this segment is a sci-fi shooter set around a century from today in what developer Suda51 dubs "new Japan". A humanoid robot is your vehicle, piloted by a chap known as Shouko.

Rental Bukiya de Omasse
Leave it to the Weapon Rental Shop is the next in the set of four. Created by Japanese comedian Yoshiyuki Hirai, players take on the role of an apprentice. This isn't any old work experience role - instead you'll be helping man a weapons shop - he fulfills adventurer orders, crafting new tools for the heroes to do their jobs.

How will you make these nifty weapons? By means of good rhythm to maintain the temperature and forging rhythm.

Aero Porter: Check Your Luggage on Time
This next game involves a blend of puzzle and simulation as you take on the role of a luggage handler, sorting colour coded baggage onto the correct conveyors and keeping in decent time. Those finishing up quickly can also design aeroplanes with a selection of nifty colours and funky patterns.

Crimson Shroud

The last of the four is dubbed Crimson Shroud - created by Final Fantasy Tactics creator Matsuno Yasumi - a mix of classic text adventures and dungeon crawlers with dice take on a central role.

The mysterious collection of games will make their debut in Japan, exclusively for 3DS on May 17th.

Via Andriasang.

Box art for Guild01








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Wow I'm liking these...except for the strange weapon store one...

It's a total waste really that more text based adventures aren't being made, the last entry feels very early PC (my first gaming experience!!) with a touch of D&D since you didn't really need dice for those old text adventures.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
heywes (guest) 15.03.2012#2

Where is my 3DS professor Layton? And Ace/Layton cross over?

And an RPG game thats similar to Diablo/Torchlight would be nice and really awesome on the 3DS as well.

But Level-5 can just work on the first two and bring to the west please Smilie

P.S. Hurry up with Monster Hunter capcom.

Jman (guest) 21.03.2012#3

Suda51's entry sounds good, but the rest of them sound like garbage. Oh boy, play as a weapons shop worker or luggage sorter! Seriously?
Might as well make a game based around the NPC that stands by the town water fountain offering quest advice?

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