Time Travel in Inazuma Eleven Chrono Stone for 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.03.2012 1

Time Travel in Inazuma Eleven Chrono Stone for 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest issue of Coro Coro magazine has confirmed a new installment in the increasingly popular Inazuma Eleven franchise for 3DS.

Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino recently tweeted that a "time travelling" adventure in the footy-simulation series was on the way, and the project has since become official.

Fans will be pleased to know that in Inazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stone, the cheeky Tenma will return to the lead role, joined by a chap from the future known as Fey Rune and Wonderbat, android teddy bear.

It revolves around a peculiar event, where Tenma returns to Raimon Junior High but for some reason there's no football club at the school anymore. Raimon goalie Shinsuke is now in a different club. Just what is going on; is our protagonist in a parallel world?

There'll be a few new gameplay enhancements too - The Inazuma Caravan will act as a transforming time machine this time. New character Wonderbat carries a "Mixi Max" gun, letting players fuse abilities from two teams to form a single member that has combined abilities. Now that's future technology!

The Japanese studio will also be pimping out the new 3DS-exclusive game with a complimenting manga in Coro Coro from April 14th, plus an animé TV series on the 18th.

Via Andriasang.

Box art for Inazuma Eleven Go: Chrono Stones - Wildfire
Also known as

Inazuma Eleven Go 2: Chrono Stone - Neppuu






Turn Based RPG



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Every game gets better from time travel.

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