Unconfirmed: Retailer GAME up for Sale

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.03.2012 4

Unconfirmed: Retailer GAME up for Sale on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

According to unconfirmed newspaper reports, the UK's biggest high-street games retailer has put itself up for sale.

The Sunday Times has claimed that GAME has sought the help of financial advisory group Rothschild to find a potential buyer amidst a poor sales period and the inability to stock some of the essential high profile releases. Recently GAME opted not to stock the likes of Mass Effect 3 and Street Fighter X Tekken, losing out to online stores and supermarkets.

Shares in the company, which over the last year has lost 94% of their value, were down 2.5 pence to 1 pence as of today.

Though unconfirmed, the paper reported that GAME has two weeks left to pay landlords, risking the fated administration period. That said, popular US retailer GameStop is strongly touted to be interested in claiming the European crown that GAME currently holds.

Despite a majority of gamers seeking online retailers as a primary source for the latest releases, the potential loss of GAME on the high street could severely dent the industry, with a lack of a truly specialist commercial outlet to browse the latest releases.

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Oh dear, may aswell grab some MS points cards with my reward points.

There are reports of fire sales around the UK, so I'd advise everyone to check out their nearest store to see if they can get some bargains!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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It might be worth buying some shares. If gamestop buys them the shares will surely rise. if not you have lost a few pennies. . .

I bought so many games in those firesales...

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