Rumour: Donkey Kong Country Heading to 3DS?

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.03.2012 11

Rumour: Donkey Kong Country Heading to 3DS? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Fans of Nintendo's most loved simian duo may be in for a 3D treat if recent retailer pre-orders are to be believed.

Nintendo have yet to announce or even hint at the prospect of a new installment in the popular Donkey Kong Country series, yet one gamer seems to have spotted a handful of titles in US retailer EB Games that are up for pre-order - including Donkey Kong Country 3D.

Image for Rumour: Donkey Kong Country Heading to 3DS?

Whether it's a slip-up with popping a game on the shelves too early, simple retailer guessing games or a hint of what's to come is unknown at this stage. are also suggesting the existence of the 3D platformer, together with its own boxart mock-up, supposedly out May 25th.

Image for Rumour: Donkey Kong Country Heading to 3DS?

Via GoNintendo.

What do you think of the prospect of a new Donkey Kong Country for 3DS?

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Very sceptical, but hope to god it happens eventually. And for crying out loud, bring back Dixie, please!

I'm going to go crazy if this is true.

The 25th May release is obviously nonsense, as is the box art, but that still doesn't change the fact that it could be real. I'd love whoever is developing it to make a proper DKC4, with high quality sprites made in the same way the original games were. Bring back some of the best animals to ride on and include classic style levels like the swimming ones. Also, bring back David Wise to compose the music (he's freelance now, no excuses). Oh oh, and no silly motion controls that ruin the experience.

Donkey Kong Country Returns lost most of the charm from the original three. They should have just called it "Donkey Kong Returns".

( Edited 11.03.2012 17:05 by Marzy )

Marzy said:
They should have just called it "Donkey Kong Returns".

They did in Japan ;]

But yeah, we always seem to have pretty much the same opinions on DKC, Marzy, so I'm again in agreement. At least this time we wouldn't be forced into stupid motion controls.

Stop the press! Lego Batman 2? why wasn't I informed? Smilie

Won't surprise me one bit if nintendo did this. They want to get as much of their Assets onto the 3DS as possible. We all know they are making a Smash Bros for the 3DS but I doubt it will be anytime soon, I'm guessing Q1 2013? Don't forget a new Mario game too.

Is that before or after E�? Would be a crowd pleaser if they announced the game and a fast release date.

So long as Kiddy Kong stays away, locked up i the simian orphanage I'll be happy with it.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

It's highly likely true. Retailers rarely just throw that stuff out there without some idea of what's happening.

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SoulSlappy (guest) 12.03.2012#8

Err, those are Australian boxes, not US. Smilie

But if this turns out to be true, I'd be a very happy chappy indeed! C: I'll have a reason besides Paper Mario to get the system.

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Azuardo said:
bring back Dixie, please!

THIS ! Dixie added so much variety to gameplay in DKC2 (Best DKC IMHO, though both DKC1 and DKC3 have their own special place in my old school gamer's heart Smilie ).

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I wouldn't be suprised, the game was almost seemingly designed for the 3DS with the going back and forth between the forground and background.

I'm not sure i'd buy it though, was a little dissapointed with DKCReturns.

SirCorn (guest) 22.03.2012#11

Seriously? SMASH BROS. 3DS is right next to it, dated for 2012 and hasn't even been confirmed for development. I'd recommend not getting your hopes up.

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