Nintendo Signs Agreement with Autodesk

By Adam Riley 08.03.2012 2

Nintendo Signs Agreement with Autodesk on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Autodesk Inc. has entered into a license agreement allowing Nintendo to provide Autodesk Gameware technology to its licensed developers creating video games for the upcoming Wii U platform and helping differentiate Nintendo's new hardware, expected to hit store shelves later this year.

Under terms of the agreement, Autodesk, Inc. has granted Nintendo the right to provide licensed Wii U game developers with three Gameware products: Autodesk Scaleform middleware for user interface development, Autodesk Kynapse middleware for artificial intelligence and Autodesk HumanIK middleware for interactive character animation.

Autodesk Gameware technology is used by the Industry's elite development teams and has been adopted across the industry. Through our relationships with key companies like Nintendo, we can put our solutions into the hands of more game developers. Adopting Autodesk Gameware helps streamline the production process, freeing more resources for innovation in new areas. This shift in development focus will help make the next-generation of titles more compelling than the last.
- Marc Petit, Autodesk Senior Vice President, Media and Entertainment.

The Autodesk Gameware product line is comprised of production-proven game development solutions that have been used in at least 1,000 games to date. This technology helps developers enhance production value while reducing development time, enabling them to focus efforts on creating compelling gameplay that resonates with consumers.

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Come on Nintendo now sign on these guys: <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Wow impressive stuff indeed, Nintendo really opening its doors now, this and now Havok? Game Devs will be happy about this.

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