See How Game Gear Will Look on 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.02.2012 13

See How Game Gear Will Look on 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

SEGA are going all-out with the Virtual Console software for 3DS, adding a new interface when emulating Game Gear classics.

The likes of Sonic & Tales 2 (known in the west as Triple Trouble), The GG Shinobi and Dragon Crystal will be amongst the first titles available to download on your 3DS this year, and will be presented within a Game Gear-themed shell.

Image for See How Game Gear Will Look on 3DS

According to Andriasang, the software will also include a handful of options: screen mode, system color, ghosting/after image, performance. You can even dye your Game Gear shell yellow, red or blue (shown below) if you're hoping for a little bit more excitement over the standard black flavour.

Image for See How Game Gear Will Look on 3DS

These games will become available March 14th in Japan, priced 300 Yen each and around a similar time in Europe.

Will you be downloading any of these Game Gear titles? What do you think of the interface?

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Nice, I wish Nintendo would add more customizability in general for VC games.

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F this, I want a white Game Gear.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

SuperLink said:
Nice, I wish Nintendo would add more customizability in general for VC games.

I was suprised they added this stuff (the choice of a border, green GB filter) when I tried a VC 3DS game. It's a step up from the Wii thats for sure.

Plus the good thing about handhelds is there not dependent on the whole 50htz/60htz bollocks.

( Edited 23.02.2012 18:52 by Mr James2t3 )

Looking great! This brings back memories, haha. I used to have a GameGear and a ton of games. Hopefully the other Sonic games get released, I really loved the first 2 games. Didn't really play Triple Trouble that much, so I might have to get that when we get it on the eShop. Smilie

I had a Game Gear once, I had Sonic and a Tennis game, I can't remember what happened to it, but I had it before having a Game Boy. I remember the battery life being atrocious.

Still, this is really cool. I wonder if they'll keep up the trend with the Wii U. Having games appear on an old CRT.

( Edited 24.02.2012 10:31 by Stulaw )

Is Game Gear like Game Boy's r*tard cousin or something?

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

SuperShyGuy62 said:
Is Game Gear like Game Boy's r*tard cousin or something?

It was Sega's handheld. It was out around the same time as the original Gameboy. It was cool, but it was huge and ate batteries.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

I'm still waiting for them to announce this for the US. :-x I want! Smilie

They really need to include support for Game Boy Advance games as a standard part of 3DS' Virtual Console. That, and it would be epic if we got Virtual Boy, Wonder Swan, and Neo Geo Pocket support. Smilie

( Edited 24.02.2012 18:41 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

SuperShyGuy62 said:
Is Game Gear like Game Boy's r*tard cousin or something?

Yes. Imagine a 3 hour battery life, only each time it cost you 6 AA batteries Smilie

That said, Sonic Bridge Zone music kicked arse. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Haha, that's really cool! I actually had a Game Gear, and it looked just like that. Even the dark, almost hard-to-see screen graphics (which I'm sure you can adjust). Nicely done, SEGA.

Darkflame said:
SuperShyGuy62 said:
Is Game Gear like Game Boy's r*tard cousin or something?

Yes. Imagine a 3 hour battery life, only each time it cost you 6 AA batteries Smilie

That said, Sonic Bridge Zone music kicked arse.

Game Gear took 6 AA batteries, haha? I can't remember it having 6 batteries. I knew it had at least 4.

Yeah, Mush. It really did require six AAs, and you got around four hours out of it (slightly improved on later models). Please believe that you got way less out of a NiCad rechargeable set, which is what most GG owners used (due to the ridiculous expense of replacing six batteries every four hours).

In the end, I invested in a GG AC adaptor, so I no longer required batteries. This made my mobile GG-experience a stationary one (and possibly the root of my dislike for portable gaming these days). Ultimately, I only played it occasionally as I also had the Master System adaptor, which allowed you to run MS cartridges on a GG.

It was a pretty awesome little handheld, it was just ahead of it's time. It'd be the best part of a decade before anyone offered a colour portable gaming device which was practical (1998, Game Boy Color). SEGA tried too much, too soon with the GG. The technology just wasn't around in the late 80s to have a colour handheld gaming device with a practical battery life.

They concentrated on being more technically-advanced than the Game Boy, which was a mistake. Stupid SEGA and their stupid business-decisions. And people wonder why they were forced out of the hardware space?

Martin_ said:
Yeah, Mush. It really did require six AAs, and you got around four hours out of it (slightly improved on later models). Please believe that you got way less out of a NiCad rechargeable set, which is what most GG owners used (due to the ridiculous expense of replacing six batteries every four hours).

In the end, I invested in a GG AC adaptor, so I no longer required batteries. This made my mobile GG-experience a stationary one (and possibly the root of my dislike for portable gaming these days). Ultimately, I only played it occasionally as I also had the Master System adaptor, which allowed you to run MS cartridges on a GG.

It was a pretty awesome little handheld, it was just ahead of it's time. It'd be the best part of a decade before anyone offered a colour portable gaming device which was practical (1998, Game Boy Color). SEGA tried too much, too soon with the GG. The technology just wasn't around in the late 80s to have a colour handheld gaming device with a practical battery life.

They concentrated on being more technically-advanced than the Game Boy, which was a mistake. Stupid SEGA and their stupid business-decisions. And people wonder why they were forced out of the hardware space?

I actually think I used an AC adaptor as well, as I can never remember replacing the batteries on mine. Though I was pretty young when I first had it, so I really don't remember. All I remember is playing throught the first Sonic game and absolutely loving it. I can't remember if I liked it more than the MD Sonic or about the same. It was definitely a great game though, same with the second one. Smilie Can't wait to play some GG games on the 3DS.

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