SEGA, Capcom, Namco Bandai, Banpresto in 3DS Foursome

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.02.2012 5

SEGA, Capcom, Namco Bandai, Banpresto in 3DS Foursome on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Four leading Japanese developers have gotten together to produce a potentially scrumptious new game for the 3DS - SEGA, Capcom, Namco Bandai and Banpresto.

Earlier today at the Nintendo Direct conference, company president Satoru Iwata said with a rather cheerful smile that four of the best studios are teaming up on a mystery project - no other details were announced but you can expect it to be rather brilliant if it all comes together nicely.

Image for SEGA, Capcom, Namco Bandai, Banpresto in 3DS Foursome

There is a teaser website now up, so keep set your peepers for future updates.

What would you like the four studios to create for Nintendo 3DS?

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REALLY GOOD Sonic game plz.

Really that would be like my dREAM GAME.

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Monkey D Super (guest) 22.02.2012#2

Since Banpresto is involved, I'm going to guess its a JP-only sequel to the JP-only Namco X Capcom SRPG game, only now its gonna have SEGA in it.

Four companies sounds like a 'too many cooks' siuation...

( Edited 22.02.2012 17:36 by Lynk )

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Initially I got real excited by this, but then I started to have similar thoughts to Lynk. They're going to need a lot of good communication and planning.

I really hope it turns out to be something good though.

Heres hoping for some sort of fighter, would be awesome to have something between now and the far away release of the next smash bros

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