Shaun the Sheep Lands on Nintendo 3DS

By Adam Riley 21.02.2012

Shaun the Sheep Lands on Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has partnered with the multi award winning Aardman Animations, the creators of Chicken Run and Wallace And Gromit to offer Nintendo 3DS owners brand new 3D SpotPass content for free. From 7th March, on a weekly basis, fans of the farmyard antics of Shaun the Sheep will be able to watch 15 exclusive 3D clips of Shaun and his friends getting up to some brand new mischief.

Available to view for free via Nintendo Video, each clip features Shaun and his flock embarking on brand new 3D adventures for the first time. The whole gang are there including Shaun, Timmy, Bitzer, the Farmer and the flock and each week you will be able to watch them like never before via Nintendo 3DS. The first episode is available to receive via an internet connection from 7th March and sees Shaun and the gang heading out for a picnic. Can they enjoy a nice relaxing day out in the countryside or will the Farmer's fishing trip get in the way?


We are proud to be working with Aardman Animations to launch Shaun the Sheep's first 3D adventures via SpotPass on Nintendo 3DS. Make sure you keep checking Nintendo Video on your Nintendo 3DS for regularly updated content for you to enjoy.
- Laurent Fischer, Managing Director, Marketing and PR, Nintendo of Europe.

As a company we are always looking ahead to the next 'big thing', the technological advances that will improve our audience's experience. We are already working with 3D formats as a studio on our upcoming feature film, but when we first experienced the Nintendo 3DS it's safe to say all of us were completely blown away. To be contributing to something as innovative as the Nintendo 3DS from the very outset is an extraordinary experience for us and we're looking forward to seeing Shaun the Sheep on Nintendo 3DS and working with Nintendo going forwards.
- Aardman's co-founder and Executive Chairman, David Sproxton.

The 15 3D Shaun the Sheep clips will be available to view through Nintendo Video from 7th March 2012.

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