New Nintendo Direct Stream Incoming

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.02.2012 1

New Nintendo Direct Stream Incoming on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata will gain more screen time tomorrow with the next installment of Nintendo Direct.

Coming straight from home turf, Iwata and his team will reveal the latest juicy tidbits on what to expect this season on both the 3DS and Wii, plus likely tease on what's to come further down the line and at this year's essential E3 reveal for the next home console.

The broadcast will start 8pm Japan time (11am GMT).

Stream the feed live on the Nintendo Japan website.

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Lots of 3DS news and a little Wii. Nothing on Wii U though.

I wonder if anything will be different will be announced in the US version with Reggie.
EDIT: The Last Story is coming to the US

On a side note, Rolling Western looks like a cool 3DS Download. I'll need to get that and Pushmo soon.

I wish they would do these more often. The Japanese Nintendo Direct was an hour long, but the US version was just 11 minutes which is a more reasonable length if they were to do it once a month or so.
The US version was much shorter, but had some great info and interviews. I really liked it.

( Edited 22.02.2012 19:24 by Sonic_13 )

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