Pandora's Tower Out April in Europe

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.02.2012 5


RPG lovers rejoice! The latest of the eagarly anticipated Wii exclusives has been given a firm European date.

Developed by the same folk who produced various One Piece and Jump games, Ganbarion, Pandora's Tower blends gritty real-time combat with fluid Wii motion controls, a lengthy solo campaign, multiple endings and a touch of romance. Bless!

Players take on the role of a brave solider known as Aeron, who risks life and limb to save his friend Elena from a mysterious curse that's draining her beauty and transforming the poor girl into a creature of demonic proportions.

On the notion that bed-time antics would proove tricky, Aeron battles through a tricky fortress to harvest meat from evil critters. If she eats all the "master flesh", she'll be cured and free to roam as human once more.

Interested? For more on Pandora's Tower be sure to read our preview.

The game is due out in Europe on April 13th 2012.

Box art for Pandora's Tower





Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (7 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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My least wanted of the big three but great news non the less. I havent even dented xeno. Yet Im buying the last story as soon as it is released. It just looks amazing and the most polished.

( Edited 15.02.2012 15:03 by meeto_0 )

Brilliant news! I actually didn't expect it this soon, as that's not even two months after The Last Story. It's definitely a pre-order for me though, since I'm really excited for this game. It's published by Nintendo anyway and those games rarely significantly drop in price, so I might as well get it at launch.

I also hope that we get the same boxart as the Japanese release. Smilie I just love how it looks.

Mocolate (guest) 15.02.2012#3

GET IN! Not long now. I thought they would release it end 2012

Any news on if project rainfall has convinced Nintendo to also bring Last Story & this to America, or are they waiting to see how Xenoblade does in sales first?

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

meeto_0 said:
My least wanted of the big three but great news non the less. I havent even dented xeno. Yet Im buying the last story as soon as it is released. It just looks amazing and the most polished.

Yeah this looks the least interesting of the three to me too but at least we get the choice to buy it or not.

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