Team Ninja Disappointed by Dead or Alive 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.02.2012 12

Team Ninja Disappointed by Dead or Alive 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Team Ninja studio head Yosuke Hayashi recently expressed a slight disappointment in how Dead or Alive: Dimensions has performed at retail.

Though well received with both fans and the press, the 3DS-exclusive brawler hasn't met company expectations with a fairly lukewarm reception in a difficult market.

Dimensions faced stiff competition from a solid port Capcom's flagship franchise Street Fighter IV and despite a constant stream of updates and free download content, hasn't been adopted by many.

Speaking to Edge Online in an interview, Hayashi noted how the studio believe that "we squeezed pretty much all of the horsepower out of the 3DS that we could have", and technically performed well but "hoped people would be playing more portable consoles out there but unfortunately that wasn't the case".

As for the future of the series, Hayashi expressed hopes to collaborate with other studios - a Dead or Alive crossover now possible after the departure of Tomonobu Itagaki in 2008.

What do you think of Dead or Alive: Dimensions? Are you a fan or the series/purchased the 3DS installment? What other franchises should the curvy ninja folk collaborate with?

Box art for Dead or Alive Dimensions

Team Ninja


Tecmo Koei





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (13 Votes)

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AdamC3 (guest) 15.02.2012#1

Clearly that's his honest opinion, because prior to this, the official line was that the 400,000 copies shipped worldwide was seen as good.

I know something that would've helped...put Samus in there for crying out loud!! Also the freaking brutal online ranking system sucked. Nothing pissed me off more than having a close match & losing based on luck....then having my losses listed for all time...they should've just displayed letter grades & not the embarresing win/lose ratio.

Though to be fair Tekken 3D Prime Edition is far worse.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

From previous experience, I actually like Dead or Alive better than Street Fighter. I really don't like the fact that Street Fighter has no way to easily block your opponents attacks.

That said, I went and bought Street Fighter IV on launch and since I already had a fighting game, I didn't bother getting this.

I may still buy it though.

Shropt (guest) 15.02.2012#4

How about making an original game instead of the same rehashed DOA we've seen since the Saturn and maybe people will buy it?

Honestly did enjoy DoA for 3DS - brilliant game, like Marzy above I do prefer it over SF - there's so much more depth, combos are excellent and generally runs faster/more fluid compared to SF. Perhaps they shot themselves in the foot with the whole boobs thing, but still.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

"We're going to put a level from Metroid: Other M in DoA: Dimensions, but not Samus. Even though we co-developed Metroid: Other M with Nintendo and the fans want her in it."

So. DUMB. *hits head on desk*

Putting Zero Suit Samus in the game would've been ideal. It would've been excellent from a marketing stand point and I guarantee it would've boosted sales considerably. It's a ridiculously no-brainer idea.

The only gripes I have with Dimensions are:

1) Samus. Samus! SAMUS!! We want Samus f***ing Aran in the game!

2) The player should have complete control over BOTH characters when playing single player tag-team. That was freak'n irritating as hell.

3) I don't care what he says, the frame rate with 3D on should've and could've been smoother if they gave the game engine more polish.

Regardless, the game is stellar and its a crime it's not performing better (not that its performing poorly; they better not cut support for 3DS). I LOVE the changes to the character move sets and the other refinements they made. IMO, compared to SSIV 3D, Dimensions is a far superior game.

Chance favors the prepared mind.
doa player (guest) 15.02.2012#7

I bought and played DOA a decent amount, and I must admit that its a well produced package. However, the online multiplayer is an absymal lag-fest. Also, the sexism is a bit too overt to take - really, how many crotch-shots and bounciness do we really need? Lastly, the gameplay isn't necessarily complicated, but it requires too much learning for a game you'll mostly play alone.

Good game, just not right for western audiences, I guess.

It has a little more power now (a meagre bump). It's a shame Nintendo didn't give them and others access to more CPU power from the start. Nintendo published SFIV, so in effect Nintendo screwed them over double.

It's a decent game, but it could have looked much better, visually it looks bland alongside SFIV3D. SFIV3D was the launch candy, DoA wasn't.

Buy Dead of Alive Dimensions if you see it cheap/

( Edited 16.02.2012 07:50 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

RE:R was made before the power bump too, they wernt screwed over by Nintendo just because Nintendo optimized their code a bit later. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Steve 83 (guest) 19.02.2012#10

I believe the should add samus as dlc then they will sell more copys

yugenUPI (guest) 20.02.2012#11

It has fits it should have performed better lol

LeweaZama (guest) 22.02.2012#12

What they need to do is just leave the game alone. They got screwed over in areas and failed in others but the very essence of the game is what we are truly looking for. Keep the DLC coming but hold Samus back. Announce a new game for the 3DS once and release it with Samus Aran as a playable character and release it about the same time that the new Metroid game is announced. You know have at least a fourth of the Metriod fans playing the game that didn't before and you will have time to make it work properly.

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