Unconfirmed Ubisoft List Outs Prince of Persia, Assassin's Creed 3

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.02.2012 4

Unconfirmed Ubisoft List Outs Prince of Persia, Assassin

Update: Ubisoft have released an official statement, denying the reports:

We’re thrilled and kind of amused to see this line-up news. It shows that players are anxious to hear about Ubisoft’s upcoming releases. This reported line-up is inaccurate. We guarantee you that you’ll hear directly from us soon about the amazing variety of games Ubisoft has slated for fiscal year 2012-13.

Original story:
An unconfirmed 2012 list from the home of Just Dance, Ubisoft, mentions a handful of projects bound for Wii, 3DS and Wii U.

The rumoured list, via GoNintendo, includes an installment of the long-running action/platformer Prince of Persia for 3DS, if true it could be the Virtual Console entries released earlier this year, a port of an existing project or something new entirely.

Also in the line-up are Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Online and Assassin's Creed 3 for Wii U, previously mentioned before and a curious entry for Just Dance Final Party - which some are claiming to be a Great Hits compilation for the Wii bestseller.

The full unconfirmed line-up includes:

  • Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
  • Far Cry 3 (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows)
  • I Am Alive (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
  • Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Windows)
  • Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Online (Windows, Wii U)
  • Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Retribution (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows)
  • Prince of Persia (Wii, 3DS)
  • Assassin's Creed 3 (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U, Windows)
  • Just Dance Final Party (Wii, Xbox 360, Playstation Move)

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George (guest) 14.02.2012#1

It's really too bad that games like Far Cry 3, and Splinter Cell: Retribution aren't scheduled to make a Wii U appearance. I love me some Sam Fisher stealth action, and I'd like to see how the controller screen might simplify using his many gadgets. Really though, the biggest loss for Nintendo is FC3. If you want to to show off 3rd parties flexing your new system's muscles, an open tropical environment would be a good game to go with. I suppose there's always a chance they're holding back on announcing these things for E3. I guess we'll see.

What I'm surprised at is that they've got another PoP game for the Wii.

Stulaw said:
What I'm surprised at is that they've got another PoP game for the Wii.

I think the Prince of Persia games on the list are referring to the VC games that were relased on Wii and 3DS a couple of weeks ago. Can't be too sure though.

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