Nintendo Reveals Plans for Nintendo Network, 3DS and Wii U

By Stuart Lawrence 27.01.2012 17

Nintendo Reveals Plans for Nintendo Network, 3DS and Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Today, at Nintendo's Corperate Management Policy Briefing, President Satoru Iwata revealed plans for 2012, including information on the Wii U and the new online system; Nintendo Network. Things revealed for the Wii U included a new functionality for the controller, called NFC and Multiple online accounts on one console, a summary of the briefing can be read down below.
On Nintendo Network:

-Personal Accounts for Wii U: This includes the ability to have multiple online accounts per console

-Digitally Distributed Packaged Software: This is said to include the ability to download full games through the Wii U and 3DS. It’s not clear when this will be released, but Iwata did mention that retailer relations may need to be sorted first,

-Paid Downloadable Content: As we saw with Square Enix’s THEATRHYTHM: Final Fantasy on the 3DS, the systems will support paid DLC,

-Communities may be more common: Mario Kart 7 was just the first game to use Nintendo Network and communities,

-The service is different from NWFC: Nintendo is planning to offer a wide variety of content, including competitions and communication among users,

On the Wii U:

-Final Hardware to be shown at E3: Nintendo also plans to show system in Tokyo for developers who couldn’t make it to Los Angeles,

-Global Launch by the end of 2012: As was already mentioned in a previous article, the Wii U will launch in time for the end of years sales season,

-Near Field Communication: A new functionality for the controller, already standard in smart phones, it allows small radio waves to be sent to each other. The Wii U will use Non-Contact NFC, used to create cards and figurines that can electronically read and write data (like Skylanders portal of power, expanding on a new play format in video games. The system will also be able to carry out micropayments,

On the Nintendo 3DS:

-Expanding StreetPass and SpotPass: Nintendo believes there is potential in the functionalities. They are expanding more places for SpotPass to connect ad download without any special functionality needed,

-3DS has had a high internet connection: In the US and Japan with 60% of all users estimated to be online, Nintendo would like to expand internet functionalities because of this,

-Nintendo Direct: Nintendo will send consumers downloadable videos about the newest games and demos on the eShop.

-200 games in development for the 3DS: including a new 2D Mario game.

Thanks to C3 Member Sonic_13 for the tip.

What do you think of Nintendo Network? Are you happy with what was mentioned at the briefing?

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Thanks to C3 Member Sonic_13 for the tip

You're welcome! Smilie

I'm looking forward to Nintendo Net on Wii U as it sounds great.
It will be interesting to see how they implement full game downloads.

I'm particularly glad about the multiple accounts on one system, I'm just wondering if they'll have any sort of achievement system in place. Also, I wonder if you'll be able to go online with multiple accounts like Xbox Live, or just one account and a guest like PSN.

( Edited 27.01.2012 09:56 by Stulaw )

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I think everything will fit together once this is up an running, Nintendo definitely needed this back on the Wii, though its never too late.

Better late than never, I guess. I'm very happy with this, sounds like Nintendo are finally taking online seriously, I just hope that they deliver their promises by the time Wii U is out.

I just expanded on the NFC, with it being sort of like Skylanders' Portal of Power. It sounds great for stuff like Yu-Gi-Oh! and such.

And there's a new 2D Mario game in development for the 3DS.

( Edited 27.01.2012 11:26 by Stulaw )

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NNID: Stulaw

Stulaw said:
And there's a new 2D Mario game in development for the 3DS.

Cool, I'm guessing it will use Nintendo Network in some way? Since you posted it in this thread. Smilie

Mush123 said:
Stulaw said:
And there's a new 2D Mario game in development for the 3DS.

Cool, I'm guessing it will use Nintendo Network in some way? Since you posted it in this thread. Smilie

I don't think so, it's just that Iwata mentioned it in the briefing before mentioning NN, it might have something like online leaderboards and maybe a level editor (I doubt that part), but beyond that, probably just general stuff.

( Edited 27.01.2012 12:47 by Stulaw )

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Thank fuck.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

All awesome, i just want to hear about an in game messenger service though.

welshwuff said:
All awesome, i just want to hear about an in game messenger service though.

Although it doesn't say anything about in game chat, it does say.

-The service is different from NWFC: Nintendo is planning to offer a wide variety of content, including competitions and communication among users,

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

Stulaw said:
I'm particularly glad about the multiple accounts on one system, I'm just wondering if they'll have any sort of achievement system in place. Also, I wonder if you'll be able to go online with multiple accounts like Xbox Live, or just one account and a guest like PSN.

You mean multiple accounts to play local multiplayer at the same time? Uncharted 3 can do this, so it must be down to the devs whether they implement such features. I imagine U3 is one of the first/only ones to do it on PS3 though.

No I mean online multiplayer, me and my brother used to play Halo 3 all the time on Xbox live with his 360. But I guess if Uncharted 3 can do it with local multiplayer, then surely it could do it online as well.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

Why did I say local? I definitely meant online. In Uncharted 3 you can both log in to your PSN accounts and play in the same online match together.

Sorry, no idea why I said local since you wouldn't even need your PSN accounts to play that anyway.

Oh right, I guess it is up to the developer then.

I'm surprised this news hasn't got more reads/comments.

( Edited 27.01.2012 19:00 by Stulaw )

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

About time, certainly! Nintendo need a solid setup for the Wii U's online infrastructure and it sounds promising.

The 3DS I feel is in that in-between zone - beyond the Wii's stupid friend code approach to online and almost where it needs to be. But going by the design for the recent friend notes etc, it seems Nintendo really don't understand interface and I worry the Wii U still won't be up to scratch upon release.

It needs the browser, accounts system, achievements etc all in place and globally available to ANY game from day 1.

Bung in at least DVD/CD playback and I'll be a happy camper!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Monkey D Super (guest) 01.02.2012#16

I will wait and see if Nintendo has really learned their lesson this time before I say anything.

the gaming world (guest) 06.02.2012#17

They need to use the term "RPG" more in their announcements

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