Resident Evil: Revelations Box Typo?

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.01.2012 19

Resident Evil: Revelations Box Typo? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Dedicated collectors will be seething at an unfortunate typo that's present on some copies of Resident Evil: Revelations.

According to an owner who's nabbed the a copy from the initial print run of the new 3DS game, there's a fairly obvious typo on the packaging that would be corrected in future batches - "Revelaitons", perhaps subtle codename for a new strain of the T-Virus. T for typo, that is!

Image for Resident Evil: Revelations Box Typo?

Capcom are no stranger to unfortunate box-art blunders, namely Okami-gate of 2008 and omitting the Wii logo off in early editions of Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles.

Box art for Resident Evil: Revelations








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Wow that is terriable... sorry TERRIBLE!

Poor show Cacpom, poor show.

( Edited 27.01.2012 00:30 by Echoes221 )

I feel violaited... sorry violated. Smilie

Well, this isn't the only typo I have seen just lately. The Wii booklets (The ones that advertise other games) in newer Wii games has a typo on the Nintendo Selects page. Instead of saying "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess" it clearly says... Twighlight Princess. Lol.

Check your copy of Kirby's Adventure Wii if you don't believe me. It's in other games, probably Skyward Sword but I definitely know it's in the ad booklet included in Kirby's Adventure Wii. UK PAL version, btw. Smilie

The new strain is marine based and called the T Abyss Virus.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Heh, that's pretty funny.

There's a typo on the original run of Phoenix Wright for DS too. They mention on the back "Exibit A" when it should be "Exhibit A", if I remember correctly.

Good 'ol Capcom! Somethings will never change! I have Mega Man games with tons of typos in the manuals.

If it's just a limited number that have the typo, won't that make them more collectable in future? I'd have thought so.

Trepe said:
If it's just a limited number that have the typo, won't that make them more collectable in future? I'd have thought so.
Yep, it probably would. Smilie Oh, btw... my Resident Evil Revelations bundle has already arrived... but no one answered the door, so I have to wait until 5 to pick it up from the Royal Mail delivery office. -.- I swear, sometimes the mail comes too early.

Not sure why everyone is making a big deal out of this. It's a mistake someone made, they're made everyday.

Marzy said:
Not sure why everyone is making a big deal out of this. It's a mistake someone made, they're made everyday.
Yes, but this is a really unprofessional mistake. Though it is something I can easily live with. The person who does the boxes are meant to check if everything is correct before sending them off to be printed. Smilie

Does anyone know if this is just the American boxes like in the picture? Or is it European ones as well?

I got mine yesterday, but can't check 'cause I can't have it 'til my birthday on Tuesaday. Smilie

My european copy that came with the circle pad pro just had the same logo as the front, not typed. Smilie

Loled at this when I first saw it I was like "bravo capcom" xD
I'm slightly annoyed I haven't gotten mine from Zavvi yet but I spose it says 2-3 days for delievery. Just gotta wait Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Honestly I wouldn't be the least bit angry about this, those guys own a collectors item!! Think of all those miscolored Starwars toys & how much they're worth, same applies here I'd think.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Haven't given this amount of stars out in one thread in a long time. Fucking funny!

Trepe said:
If it's just a limited number that have the typo, won't that make them more collectable in future? I'd have thought so.

Indeed, I think you're right. But I'd hasten to add that the game is many years away from becoming 'collectible' or significantly more valuable than any other game. In fact, you'll probably find that Revelations gets a release sometime down the line for PS3/etc, which will mean that the 3DS version probably won't ever be collectible.

This one version with the spelling mistake is the one to get if you're a collector, since it's really the only version of the game that will be collectible.

Got my present early. The European version is fine. Smilie

LKR000 said:
Loled at this when I first saw it I was like "bravo capcom" xD
I'm slightly annoyed I haven't gotten mine from Zavvi yet but I spose it says 2-3 days for delievery. Just gotta wait Smilie
I got my copy from Zavvi today. Although I did have to wait until 5pm to pick it up from the Royal Mail delivery office. *Grumble grumble* I'm sure you'll get it tomorrow. Smilie

JT (guest) 28.01.2012#19

This only goes to show that they are human. Smilie

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