Solo White, Pink 3DS to Hit Retail in February

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.01.2012 2

Solo White, Pink 3DS to Hit Retail in February on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Want a new 3DS in white or pink sans the bundled game? Nintendo will start to ship individual console SKUs to retailers next month.

The two colours are currently only available to buy as part of specific hardware bundles - Super Mario 3D Land or Nintendogs - will be available as standalone units from February 10th in the UK, Nintendo said today.

The move offers a greater choice for new 3DS adopters, joining launch colours Cosmos Black, Aqua Blue and the summer sizzler Metallic Red.

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I read on Eurogamer that they're more expensive than the other colors. It's even coming close to the price of the pink/white ones bundled with a game.

0ver4ual (guest) 28.01.2012#2

Dumb. All these colors coming out AFTER the launch? Nintendo, why not give us some variate from the get go? Then you could focus on making more special edition ones

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