SoulCalibur V Heading to the Nintendo 3DS (Rumour)

By James 25.01.2012 10

SoulCalibur V Heading to the Nintendo 3DS (Rumour) on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rumour: According to a retail insider, Namco Bandai may be releasing the highly anticipated fighting game SoulCalibur V on the Nintendo 3DS. SoulCalibur V is the latest addition to Namco Bandai’s fighting series, SoulCalibur, and it may be heading to the 3DS if rumours are correct. According to sources, the game is listed for pre-order at an unknown retailer, who tipped people off that the game appears on their tills for pre-order. Namco Bandai has yet to comment on this.

This won’t be the first time SoulCalibur has been released on a Nintendo system. SoulCalibur II was released on the GameCube back in 2002, featuring Link as an extra character, and SoulCalibur Legends in 2007 came to Wii. SoulCalibur V is to be released on Xbox and PS3 on 31st January for North America, and 3rd February for Europe.

Are you excited for SoulCalibur V? Would you like to see SoulCalibur V released on the 3DS?

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Uruguayan (guest) 25.01.2012#1

Ye defo there hasn't been a ex on Nintendo since sc2

Tbh, I'd much prefer a Wii U version over this. Link obviously has to be included, Ike or Marth would be ace too though. Smilie If there's going to be a 3DS version, then it's pretty sure that the Wii U will get the game as well.

Wonder which look they'd take for Link though, since there are a couple of choices, like Ocarina of Time Link as in SCII, Skyward Sword Link or Twilight Princess Link. Best fit would probably be Twilight Princess Link, looking similar to Link from the Zelda HD Wii U tech demo.

Honestly, I'd rather they do an original entry in the series specifically for the 3DS. Like Broken Destiny was to PSP. Hold SCV for Wii U. Smilie

I'm still waiting for Namco-Bandai to partner with Nintendo and release a dedicated Legend of Zelda-only fighting game with modified game-play mechanics based off the Soul Calibur series. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

MechaG2 said:
I'm still waiting for Namco-Bandai to partner with Nintendo and release a dedicated Legend of Zelda-only fighting game with modified game-play mechanics based off the Soul Calibur series. Smilie

Considering the quality of SC lately I'm not sure that's a great idea-
I think a lot of Zelda fans would be upset with a 'blemish' like that.

I do agree it'd be better suited for WiiU, but maybe Namco don't have devkits orr maybe they want to release it on like everything.
Either way I think TPLink would be best suited for the SC-verse, even if he's personally my least-fav Link.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

This would make sense if those other fighting games sold well on 3DS.

It's so unexpected, because the DS had about everything except fighters.

Canyarion said:
This would make sense if those other fighting games sold well on 3DS.

It's so unexpected, because the DS had about everything except fighters.

3DS is practically home to every major fighting game series alREADY and it's barely been out a year.

It's awesome because I love fighting games! And weird considering the DS barely had a single one..

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I can see thia happening, but yeah a more original entry would be great, & bring in Marth too!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

SSFIV3D shipped more than a million worldwide and even Dead or Alive shipped 400,000 despite being seen as a flop.

If Tekken 3D Prime does well, especially with Nintendo's support here in Europe, then I can definitely see SCV coming, indeed with a Nintendo character in tow.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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GestaltReplicant (guest) 26.01.2012#9

Damn, the 3DS is becoming the fighter console real fast. XD We've gotten Street Fighter, Dead or Alive and Tekken all in one year - and now this? Too much.

anonymity (guest) 27.01.2012#10

SC6 Wii U, 3DS you can play same time against player.

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