January 2012 Podcast | South Korean Nintendo Wii & DSi Report, 2011 Review

By 24.01.2012 7

January 2012 Podcast | South Korean Nintendo Wii & DSi Report, 2011 Review on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

This month's Nintendo podcast from Cubed3 serves up thoughts on various topics, with news updates, discussions on the latest games, and a special treat in the form of a feature on the Wii and Nintendo DSi over in South Korea from when Adam Riley was travelling over there, plus a final farewell from a long-term staff member.

Featuring Mike Mason (former Senior Editor) and Adam Riley (Operations Director) on the special live chat, with Ross Marrs (Podcast Editor), Rudy Lavaux (Retro Editor), and Aaron Elias (Previews Editor) on the monthly feature.

Produced by Podcast Editor, Ross Marrs.

Image for January 2012 Podcast | South Korean Nintendo Wii & DSi Report, 2011 Review

Special Report from South Korea

00:00:50 - Adam's family holiday in South Korea; lots of late nights
00:01:46 - Travelling around to different places?
00:05:05 - Onto the games; the Nintendo scene in South Korea
00:07:33 - DSi still being pushed in South Korea
00:08:58 - Breaking into the PC market
00:11:11 - Smartphones taking over
00:13:53 - Adam shows off his PANG voice skills
00:15:47 - Speaking a bit of South Korean with Adam
00:17:53 - Influx of reviews on C3, supporting all developers
00:21:16 - Mike's annoucment and changes

This Month's Special Feature

00:27:00 - '2011 in Review' -- staff share their thoughts on Nintendo over the last year.

If listening via Cubed3 is not an option, be sure to simply download the podcast right here [ Right-Click, Save-As ]

As always, be sure to share your questions, thoughts and feedback on this issue, plus what you would like to see in the next instalment!

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Our member of the week

Half past two Adam ? You really did sound sleepy indeed Smilie.

I think I remember reading that there was a Korean version of the Game Boy; Wasn't it called the Comboy, or something like that ? And SNES was the Super Comboy I think... But that was probably not officially supported by Nintendo, and I'm sure this wasn't distributed by them directly like they're doing now with the DS and Wii brands.

A watched this recently. So for those interested in gaming in Korea, I can't recommend enough that they watch this (although admittedly the video is already almost 5 years old) :



I recommend all of Game Center CX episodes anyway, it's such a wonderful show Smilie. I hope to meet Arino someday ! It's one of my new goals in life.

Anyway, that was a nice listen, and a refreshing change of the usual formula to start the year Smilie. Good work to the rest of the staff for their thoughts on 2011 as well Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

You can really tell I'm half asleep - my breathing pattern is all over the place! Turned out okay, though, I reckon.

Here's a quote from an old article of mine, from when I was last in Korea at the beginning of 2009:

Nintendo did not even roll out the big guns from Day One either, and its releases since then have been few and far between. Simply taking a quick look at the official Korean Wii website clearly indicates the Seoul-based arm of Nintendo is biding its time, gauging interest throughout its first year on the market after the disastrous GameCube era (Korean distributor Daewon simply launched the Japanese language version, barely supported it and has been openly criticised several times for its treatment of the platform...).

Not Daewoo, the car manufacturer, as I stated in the podcast.

Also, it's not the Han River that is near the border. I think it was actually the Yalu River...not entirely sure, but I know it's certainly not the Han. Obviously I was more tired than I realised! Smilie



Distributed by Hyundai!

Interestingly enough, the Wii in South Korea doesn't play any GameCube titles, not even those released in Korea in the past.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Rob64 (guest) 25.01.2012#3

Please tell me more about the sexy KPop girl groups over there! Smilie

Seriously, though, please do! Oh and is anything coming out in 2012 for Wii and DS?

John B (guest) 25.01.2012#4

Anyonghaseo! Smilie

The DsiXl isn't out in Korea? WTF Smilie 3DS in 2014 then, amirite? Smilie

Sexy girl groups? Hmm...okay, try some of these for size:
















Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I personally prefer SCANDAL, but they're more rock than pop.

...They're also a Japanese group Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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