Mario Party 9 Launching March 2nd in Europe

By 20.01.2012 9

Mario Party 9 Launching March 2nd in Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Who said the Wii is dead? There's still some life in that little machine currently on life support and Nintendo proves it with the release of yet another Mario Party title this year. Mario Party 9 comes exclusively to the Wii on March 2nd 2012 in Europe and it contains a tonne of new mingames and boards to play on! Furthermore, there's new game modes and even boss battles.

80 new minigames are included and can be played in either a Free Play mode or Party Adventure. The new Party Adventure mode plays out differently to previous Mario Party games, with four players shoved in a vehicle to manoeuvre around one of the boards. Strategy is involved here and you'll have to pick the best routes to get advantages for yourself whilst also putting the other players into trickier places on the board.

Extra modes include a rather fun looking Goomba Bowling minigame.

Box art for Mario Party 9

Nd Cube







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date 2012   Australian release date Out now   

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Adriana (guest) 20.01.2012#1

Will it be Wii mote only or support with nunchuks? 8 was boring mote only!!

Those mini games look like they could be fun, some of them seem to be based on succesful Wii games (Sports, Mario).

Btw do we know if this is really developed by Hudson? I personally can't believe Nintendo still keeps up with them. The animation of the characters, the dialogue, the gameplay.... it's all messed up.

The only reason I sometimes play a MP is for the decent mini games. The board element... ugh.

( Edited 20.01.2012 17:07 by Canyarion )

This one is actually being developed by Nd Cube Co. Smilie

Apologies for the mistake in the game information, I have corrected it now.

As for being able to use nunchucks, I'm not actually sure. I had a look around for some information for you, but I can't find anything to say it does.

The fact that Hudson weren't involved with development actually gives me hope that this one will be different enough to perhaps make it really good?

Idk I'll wait on reviews before deciding whether or not to get it, I haven't liked a new Mario Party in a long time.

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Boss battles in a Mario Party game? Must be rock-paper-scissors...

( Edited 20.01.2012 16:14 by SirLink )

Sounds promising - I do hope MP10 is "the" Anniversary game that has at least 50 boards from across the series, plus over 100 of the best mini-games - it's really quite limiting having such a small number of boards and average number of games each time.

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Gaddammn thats a lot of party games :/

I kind of hope there is more than just traveling on the board all together. I feel that the original formula from the last Mario Party games is a staple that should continue in it.

Though I'm excited that Shy Guy is finally playable.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!
Enoch (guest) 23.01.2012#9


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