Rumor: A Pair of Zelda Games for 3DS?

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.01.2012 13

Rumor: A Pair of Zelda Games for 3DS? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rumour: An unconfirmed image from the depths of the internet suggest that Nintendo could be working on a pair of new Legend of Zelda games.

We already know that the next game in the series would be an all-original title, but other than that Link's newest adventure is a complete mystery. The newest rumour spawns from the slightly unpredictable 4Chan forums, suggesting that a pair of games akin to Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages are in development for 3DS.

The two titles roughly translate to Prophecy of Fire and Prophecy of Ice.

Nintendo haven't confirmed what sort of Zelda game is in development, nor how many.

Image for Rumor: A Pair of Zelda Games for 3DS?

Though likely fake, what do you think of the possibility for a pair of Zelda games for 3DS similar to the Oracle series?

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skyluigi (guest) 16.01.2012#2

I'd be really depressed if these were fake.

Pamela Anderson (guest) 16.01.2012#3

FAKE fake fake like my chest

That would be awesome, but the title of a Zelda game is almost the LAST thing they reveal.

So yeah, probably fake.

This is definitely fake, would be interesting to see an Oracles kind of thing going on with Zelda on the 3DS though. I'd like them to be 3D Zelda titles though, not like I have anything against 2D ones. I'd just like to see some more 3D Zelda!

( Edited 16.01.2012 23:18 by Mush123 )

I would like to see one of the 2d zeldas come back in a 3D remake, this will obviously be an entirely new game as it has a new perspective.

Besides, the one on the right is more likely to be read as "Prophecy of Ice Cream".

Quite obviously fake if thats the only image to go on, Nintendo dont put stock art on back backgrounds with the name of the system too, also lacks those little (C) or (R), only the tiniest of "tm" marks next to the 3ds logo which means it was a bigger image shrunk without thought.

Personally as much as i enjoyed the GBC equivalent, i don't want to see the same thing happen again, i like my Zelda games one at a time.

( Edited 17.01.2012 12:53 by welshwuff )

I would absolutely love this. If I recall correctly, there hasn't been a single Zelda game for the DSi/3DS game where you can use the D-Pad/Circle Pad to move (with the exception of OoT 3D, of course). It's always required the stylus to move. I'd love to see a good ol' top-down Zelda game for the 3DS.

"You make me want to play Russian Roulette with a glock. By myself."
Guinness (guest) 17.01.2012#10

It real RETRO are make this!

Miyamoto (guest) 18.01.2012#11

Hello Cube3 this is Miyamoto. This game is real because I tell Nintendo to scrap (upend table) the project that is making now and do this instead. I have triforce of power so I do this ok?

poo (guest) 21.01.2012#12

i thing a new zelda game first

I'm gonna be optimistic about this one. Given Nintendo's push for street & spot pass ability AND their trading/collecing franchises like Pokemon this sounds totally possible.

Think about it, both Oracles used a password system to access bonus content for both games. Think of the street pass possibilities for this game & surprise bonuses!! Of course I'll be getting Ice cause the color Blue is AAWWWEEEEsoooome...

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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