Nintendo's Balance Board Breaks Record

By Adam Riley 10.01.2012 3


Nintendo’s Wii Balance Board has been awarded a prestigious, new Guinness World Record for 'The best-selling personal weighing device.' In order to break the record, a total of 32,114,428 Wii Balance Boards were sold worldwide between its launch in December 2007 and November 2010. This figure comprises 22,663,321 bundled with the original Wii Fit and 9,451,107 bundled with Wii Fit Plus. Since breaking the record, Nintendo has now sold over 22.67 million copies of Wii Fit and more than 19.31 million copies of Wii Fit Plus worldwide (as of September 2011).

The Wii Balance Board contains four sensors that measure and detect shifts in weight and pressure upon it, both from side-to-side and front-to-back. In order to control the on-screen action, players can stand on the Balance Board and move their bodies according to the activity played. Each sensor has the ability to detect even minor motion, so movements like shifting the position of your hand can be detected. These elements combined enable players to carefully check their movements through each activity and monitor their progress.

The launch of Wii Fit with the Wii Balance Board revolutionised the way people got active at home, making it fun and easy to exercise in the comfort of their own living room. As the Guinness World Record shows, sales of both Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus have remained healthy since the day they first went on sale and, with Wii now having sold over 30 million units across Europe (as of 25th December), Nintendo hopes this trend will remain strong.
- Laurent Fischer, Managing Director of Marketing & PR of Nintendo of Europe.

The original Wii Fit introduced the world to the Wii Balance Board, motivating players to get up off their sofa. Wii Fit has continued to entertain family and friends of all ages with its fun and interactive way to exercise in the comfort of your living room. Wii Fit is an easy and enjoyable way for every member of the family to incorporate exercise into their daily routine. Whether a beginner or veteran to Wii, with over 40 varying and entertaining exercises, Wii Fit is designed to appeal to everyone. Bringing together a collection of entertaining activities and exercises in the areas of aerobics, yoga, strength and balance, Wii Fit encourages all the family to discuss their fitness needs and to become more physically active on a daily basis.

When Wii Fit Plus hit the shelves in October 2009 it brought new exercise features for both mind and body to the acclaimed Wii Fit phenomenon, making your at-home training regime even easier. Wii Fit Plus now brings you a lot more new content, including 15 new balance games and 6 new strength training and yoga activities meaning you can, work out, relax and ease away the stresses of daily life.

Nintendo has two new Wii Fit Plus bundles that are available now. The first includes a black Wii console, Wii Fit Plus and a black Wii Balance Board, and for those who already have a Wii console, the second bundle features a copy of Wii Fit Plus and a black Wii Balance Board only.

Box art for Wii Fit








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Marconi (guest) 10.01.2012#1

The question is...who/what held the previous record?

Mole423 (guest) 11.01.2012#2

A regular set of scales innit oh yeah lots of Wii Fit links?

Smilie Yeah, went a bit overboard with the links, sorry - did 'Replace All' Smilie

Interesting, but I also wonder what was the previous record holder...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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