Rumour: Nintendo Working on eReader Software for Wii U/3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.01.2012 9

Rumour: Nintendo Working on eReader Software for Wii U/3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

According to an unconfirmed report, Nintendo is putting together applications to read digital books on the Wii U/3DS.

An anonymous software developer speaking to Forget the Box states that the studio he works for has been approached by Nintendo to port iOS applications to the Wii U and 3DS as well.

3DS players would be able to read on the move, whilst Wii U owners could sit back with the tablet controller as a form of eReader.

The application would let players download books, magazines, newspapers etc with SpotPass being a likely feature for daily/regularly updated content like nationwide newspapers, for example. More gaming-related content would be be available - Virtual Console guides, instructional manuals for downloadable games and even a library of past editions of US magazine Nintendo Power.

The report is a rumour for now, but with Nintendo taking steps to more forms of media, it is likely to emerge in some form or other.

Via GoNintendo.

Would you use your 3DS or Wii U to read digital material?

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That will be awesome, having a whole back catalogue of books. XD my father will diffenitly love this.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out
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Reading the title, I thought this was referring to the e-Reader on GBA XD.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I hate reading from a regular screen. I've never tried real e-paper yet, but that sounds 10x better.

Sean Bassett (guest) 03.01.2012#4

If this happens,I've got to have this.E reader + 3DS=Amazing-ness.

Makes sense, especially with the Wii U controller. Just turn on the console, send the image to the tablet and take it away.

Awwwww man yeah I thought this was an attempted revival of the GBA e-reader feature...though I guess the AR Card system used on 3DS is kinda like that.

Still this is a cool feature & Nintendo shouldn't be gatting bad press over appeiling to the Non gamer in this way.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Jackal55 (guest) 03.01.2012#7

Wii U as a portable reading/internet device around the home would so cement the console as the must have next-gen device for both casual and hardcore. I hope Nintendo really thinks this through and doesn't rush into the market so quickly. It needs thought and careful planning, something no synonymous with Nintendo.

darkflame (guest) 03.01.2012#8

The tablet should be able to do it on its own - else youd waste more money then a Kindles worth after a year or two of using this as a eReader Smilie

tetos64 (guest) 26.01.2012#9

i would basically because since it can't support flash and it has some problems with images i use it to read ^^ but some things i wanna read come in different formats...

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